Monday, December 17, 2007

Speaking Class 12/17(after class)

Today's class was presentation!!!
I was ashamed to watch the video of our group:(
However it seemed to me that many people enjoy our video:-)
I was very happy!
Other groups video were very good.
Imagination, the ideas of commercial, and way of expression were very good, I thought:)

It was very difficult for me to make video and imagine about our future.
However this activity was good experience for me!
I thought that I want to be able to speak English better and get imagination and idea:-)
Next year I'll try to study English more!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year☆...

Speaking Class 12/17(before class)

Tomorrow's class will be presentation!
I'm nervous:(
However I'm looking forward to watch video of other groups.
What will change in 20 years?
I want to enjoy the last class in this year:-)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I read "carnival." It is a easy book to read:-)

Jake went to London, and he saw a tall beautiful girl at the carnival. They felt in love each other. He wanted to take a photo of her. He stole a camera...

I thought that they were destined to fall in love:) It was bad to steal, but this made them could meet again. I was very surprised at that Maria who Jake felt in love was Policewoman.
I have a question. What's "Policewoman Day?"

Monday, December 10, 2007

speaking class 12/10(after class)

We talked about blood types.
The images of type AB are cool, controlled, rational, critical, indecisive...
Does anyone have good images of type AB?:(
Type AB is a good blood type, I think!
Do you think so???:)

And also I talked about horoscope signs.
My birthday is October 21, so my horoscope sign is Libra.
I sympathized with explanations of textbook:-O
I am quick-tempered, and I want to marry:-)
I enjoy my life!!!!!!
In this connection, Milktea's horoscope sign is Virgo because her birthday is September 8.

speaking class 12/10(before class)

The theme of today's class is "Blood Types."
My father's blood type is type A, and my mother's is type B.
So I am type AB:) My brother, too.
Does dog have a blood type? If so, what blood type does Milktea have?:-)))
I think that she is type O or AB!!! She takes her own way, and she is mysterious girl.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Milktea in kotatsu

This is my dog, Milktea:-) In winter, she is often in kotatsu. She loves kotatsu because it is warm:) When she sleeps in it, she looks happy. However, after a while, she goes out of kotatsu. Too hot! She is so cute:-))) I love her:)

omuraisu---an omelet containing fried rice

I cooked today! I made an omelet containing fired rice:-) In Japanese, it is called Omuraisu. I love it very much! Today I didn't have a part-time job, so I decided to make the dinner. There are cheeses in rice and eggs. It was very delicious:-D I also made a tomato sauce. It was delicious, too!!
I enjoyed cooking:) I want to be able to make various dishes!! Next time I'll try Japanese food.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Speaking class 12/3 (after class)

I did "find differences" and "make a cartoon." It was difficult to ask in English:-( I enjoyed making a cartoon♪ This picture is a cartoon I made. I wanted to paint this:)
Also we talked about presentation. We got many ideas, but we can't collect ideas; So we gathered and talked today(12/6) . Tomorrow I and Tomoko will meet. We don't have so much time, so we have to do everything quickly. I'll cooperate with Yoko and Tomoko also do my best.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Speaking Class 12/3(before class)

I'll study about "Blood Types" tomorrow.
My blood type is AB:-)
I love my blood types because it's a minority in Japan.
The image of type AB is a double character, genius, strange, and so on.
I think that I am sometimes a double character.
Am I a genius? I don't think so:-(
I'm a little strange girl, I think.