Monday, December 17, 2007

Speaking Class 12/17(after class)

Today's class was presentation!!!
I was ashamed to watch the video of our group:(
However it seemed to me that many people enjoy our video:-)
I was very happy!
Other groups video were very good.
Imagination, the ideas of commercial, and way of expression were very good, I thought:)

It was very difficult for me to make video and imagine about our future.
However this activity was good experience for me!
I thought that I want to be able to speak English better and get imagination and idea:-)
Next year I'll try to study English more!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year☆...

Speaking Class 12/17(before class)

Tomorrow's class will be presentation!
I'm nervous:(
However I'm looking forward to watch video of other groups.
What will change in 20 years?
I want to enjoy the last class in this year:-)

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I read "carnival." It is a easy book to read:-)

Jake went to London, and he saw a tall beautiful girl at the carnival. They felt in love each other. He wanted to take a photo of her. He stole a camera...

I thought that they were destined to fall in love:) It was bad to steal, but this made them could meet again. I was very surprised at that Maria who Jake felt in love was Policewoman.
I have a question. What's "Policewoman Day?"

Monday, December 10, 2007

speaking class 12/10(after class)

We talked about blood types.
The images of type AB are cool, controlled, rational, critical, indecisive...
Does anyone have good images of type AB?:(
Type AB is a good blood type, I think!
Do you think so???:)

And also I talked about horoscope signs.
My birthday is October 21, so my horoscope sign is Libra.
I sympathized with explanations of textbook:-O
I am quick-tempered, and I want to marry:-)
I enjoy my life!!!!!!
In this connection, Milktea's horoscope sign is Virgo because her birthday is September 8.

speaking class 12/10(before class)

The theme of today's class is "Blood Types."
My father's blood type is type A, and my mother's is type B.
So I am type AB:) My brother, too.
Does dog have a blood type? If so, what blood type does Milktea have?:-)))
I think that she is type O or AB!!! She takes her own way, and she is mysterious girl.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Milktea in kotatsu

This is my dog, Milktea:-) In winter, she is often in kotatsu. She loves kotatsu because it is warm:) When she sleeps in it, she looks happy. However, after a while, she goes out of kotatsu. Too hot! She is so cute:-))) I love her:)

omuraisu---an omelet containing fried rice

I cooked today! I made an omelet containing fired rice:-) In Japanese, it is called Omuraisu. I love it very much! Today I didn't have a part-time job, so I decided to make the dinner. There are cheeses in rice and eggs. It was very delicious:-D I also made a tomato sauce. It was delicious, too!!
I enjoyed cooking:) I want to be able to make various dishes!! Next time I'll try Japanese food.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Speaking class 12/3 (after class)

I did "find differences" and "make a cartoon." It was difficult to ask in English:-( I enjoyed making a cartoon♪ This picture is a cartoon I made. I wanted to paint this:)
Also we talked about presentation. We got many ideas, but we can't collect ideas; So we gathered and talked today(12/6) . Tomorrow I and Tomoko will meet. We don't have so much time, so we have to do everything quickly. I'll cooperate with Yoko and Tomoko also do my best.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Speaking Class 12/3(before class)

I'll study about "Blood Types" tomorrow.
My blood type is AB:-)
I love my blood types because it's a minority in Japan.
The image of type AB is a double character, genius, strange, and so on.
I think that I am sometimes a double character.
Am I a genius? I don't think so:-(
I'm a little strange girl, I think.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Speaking Class 11/26(after class)

I studied about "Bad habits."
My bad habit is being late for class.
Chie and Narumi like doodle:-)
Our textbooks are full of doodle:-D

We practiced for interview test.
I wasn't able to talk smoothly.
I practice talking!!:-)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Speaking Class11/26 (before class)

I will study about "Bad habits", I think:-(
I love eating, so I eat too much;
Overeating is one of my bad habits.

We wasn't be able to gather last week.
We don't have much time;

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Jojo's Story

I read "Jojo's Story."

This book was story about a boy in the war. The boy named Jojo lost his family because of the men killed. Jojo was alone. However he met Chris and other soldiers, and he went to the Children's house. He can made friends, ate food, and study. But he felt some strange.

I thought that this book is a scary book. I felt Jojo's feelings and fear of the war. I was very sad. If I am Jojo, I can't endure fear. I don't like loneliness. Should Jojo go with his brother's friend? I didn't think so. He should not have a gun. I wish that Jojo will be happy in the peaceful world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Speaking Class11/19(after class)

I studied about "me."
I love my dog, Milktea.

We talked about our presentation.
We had many new ideas.
I enjoyed talking with Tomoko and Yoko:-)
I think that we will be success!!:-D

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Book Review

I read a story in honor class.

This story was about big day of Anita and Dan. Anita believed that she was able to be a movie star. Dan liked Anita and took her out.

First I thought that they weren't able to get to the studio. However Dan was good at driving! I was surprised:-0 It was good that they became happy:-)

Speaking Class11/12(after class)

We studied about "Jobs."
I'm working at a drugstore, Cosmos.
It's a hard work, but I enjoy it:-)

We talked about presentation.
It's difficult to make a news;-(
But we got some new ideas:-D
We will do our best!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Speaking Class 11/12(before class)

We will study about "Bad Habits."
My bad habit is lateness;-(
I can't wake up early!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Speaking 11/5 (After class)

We talked about "future."
I want to be a sports nutritionist.

I had new group members, Tomoko and Yoko:-)
We make a future news.
I'm looking forward to making a video:-D


I read "Swimmy." This book brought me back old memories:-)

Swimmy is a brave and strong fish. I love Swimmy. This story was strong, beautiful, and happy. But I felt sad, too. I don't know the reason, but I felt so:-( However I like this story:-D

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Frog and Toad All Year

I read "Frog and Toad All Year." This is a collection of short story:-)

Frog is dependable and Toad is so cute! These are funny and cute stories. I chuckled:-D Frog and Toad are good friends. They love and trust each other, I think. I like "Ice Cream." Toad is pretty.

Speaking 11/5 (before class)

I will study about "Jobs."
My father is working with using computer.
My mother is working at a kind of restaurant.
And I'm working at a drugstore:-D
I don't want to work in the future because I want to marry:-))))))))
But if I work, I want to work at the cake shop!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Speaking class 10/29(after class)

I did our presentation.
I was tensed up very much:'-(
But I did it!!!:-D
I enjoyed our presentation.

Other group's presentation was so good!
The poster was cute:-)
I hope that I will make presentation better next time.

Speaking 10/29(before class)

I will do a presentation!
Good luck:-)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Speaking 10/22

I studied about "Advice."
I want to have a nice boyfriend.
"Why don't you be a beautiful lady?"
I'll do my best!!!:-D

Group Study...
We gathered on October 23.
The presentation will be next Monday.
I'm looking forward to the presentation!
I hope that we will succeed our presentation.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Speaking class

I will study about "Advice."
I don't have a boyfriend!!
Give me many good advice!!!;-(

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

speaking class 10/15

I studied about "Eating."
I love eating, especially eating sweets.
I talked with Tomoko.
I enjoyed this classes:-)

We will do presentation live.
I will do my best!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Speaking 10/1

I studied about vacation.
I went to Fukuoka with my mother.
I had a good vacation.

We started new group homework.
We will make a new restaurant!
I want to make a cafe.
I love cakes very much!!!
We wasn't able to gather out of class last week.
I want to meet my friends and talk about presentation.
I'm looking forward to making a restaurant.


I read "Let Me Out!"

John made a robot. He was called Nolan. Nolan was a good robot. He was able to clean the room, make coffee for John. And he had feeling. He felt happy, sad, and angry...

At first I thought that this book was a story of a sad robot, but finally Nolan killed John and John's dog Sam. I felt fear.

If I will live with a robot in the future, I want to treat a robot kindly.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Speaking 7/17

I made a presentation in speaking class!!!

I talked about history. I felt very nervous, but I did my best. I talked without a draft. I spoke English, I think.

I enjoy speaking class every week, and I can speak English well. I want to learn English like now.

I will do my best on Saturday! I must not be late!!!!!(>□<)


I read "Escape."

Brown was in a prison. He wanted to escape, and he had an idea.

He shouted 'I'm innocent!' However he stole bicycle and clothes. He is thief!!! I thought that Brown was a good man? But he was not. Can he escape like mole?

A Pretty Face

I read "A Pretty Face."

Zoe worked in a bookstore, and after work she acted. Mike liked writing. One day, Mike wrote a review of Zoe's play. She got angry, and she had an idea.

I thought that Mike got angry lastly. However it is good that the relationship of Zoe and Mike became good.

Changing Places

I read "Changing Place."

This book is a story that two men changed place. Hal worked at the zoo, and Tim is a movie star. First they felt good and exciting. However, everything didn't go well.

I want to change place someone, but I can't do well. I like my daily life, my friend...everything! Changing place is interesting, but it's not all good.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today we will make a presentation.
I hope that we will make a good presentation.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

picture of milktea

She is my dog, milktea!!!She is very cute. Her favorite foods are apple, bread, and chicken. Her birthday is September 8th, and she is 2 years old now.


I read 'Kidnap!'

This is a story that an artist was caught up in a plan of kidnap. An artist, Tom, went out in order to get new idea. When he was in a bookstore, he got a map. And this was a map for kidnap.

I was surprised because I didn't think that a woman who has interesting face was kidnapper too. I can't expect the ending. It's a very interesting book.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Speaking 7/9

I studied about 'parts of body.'
I thought that I have to use English more.
I want to speak English well, so I must try using English.

We talk about our country.
We are going to gather tomorrow and make a poster.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I will study about "parts of body."
I can't touch my toes. It's very hard.

I thought about history of our country.
I hope that our presentation will be good.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Speaking class 7/2

I studied about vacation.
I understood a difference of 'will' and 'be going to.'

We talked about our new country.
We decided the name of our country and capital, population, and so on.
I have to think about history.
It's very hard for me, but I will do my best.

Monday, July 2, 2007


I will study 'Parts of the body' in the tomorrow's class.

I have broken my finger when I was 12 years old.
I was very sad because I couldn't play basketball(:_;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Speaking 6/25

I did a bingo game in today's class.
It was difficult! But I enjoyed♪

I met my new group member.
Everyone is very kind. I'm happy.(*>u<)

We chose a country there is between France and Spain.
I think that this country is very good!
And...people in this country love soccer, I think. I want.
I hope we enjoy homework and make a good presentation!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Speaking class

I will study about vacation in today's class.

I will go to Kurokawa in September.
I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I read "The winner."

Kara loves Leonardo DiCaprio. The winners could talk to Leonardo DiCaprio, so she tried. However the winner was her best friend, Hannah. She asked her to be ill, but she said no. So Kara got angry, and they quarreled. Finally, however, Kara realized. TV program wasn't important.DiCaprio wasn't important. But friends were important.

If there is an opportunity to be able to meet my favorite famous person, I may think that I want to see you at all costs. Friends are important, of course. But I think that few opportunity is also important because I really like!!! Of course, of course my friends are important.


I read "Sally's phone." I chose this book because this book seemed to be interesting.

Sally has her cell phone with her all the time, because of her boyfriend. However, then one afternoon, she has a different phone suddenly. Her life changed...

It's very interesting book. If my cell phone is replaced with other's? I can't imagine. However, if there is a wonderful meeting of fate, I want to be change my cell phone with someone....(●>ω<●)

Starry Sky

I read "Starry Sky." This book is written about star. The reason why I chose this book, I like star very mush.

There giant balls of gas make their own heat and light just like our closest star, the Sun. There are 88 named constellations. Many constellations have animal names. The hottest star are blue and the coolest are red. From hottest star to coolest star, the color is blue, white, yellow, orange, and red.

I like Orion. However I don't know that there is Orion's hunting dog (Canis Major) near Orion. Orion was killed by scorpions, so Orion and scorpion never meet in the sky!!! Do you know?

I want to watch stars tonight. I wish the weather will become fine.


I read "A little Princess."

Sara Crewe was a very rich little girl. She move to England, and she lived apart her father. She felt sad at first, but she made friends and she enjoyed her school life. However, her father died suddenly. Her life changed. She has no family, no home, no money. She worked from early in the morning till late at night. She did her best even if she was hungry or it was so cold. But two years later, she met her father's friend who betrayed her father and looked her. So she became happy.

I was impressed with her because she did her best in spite of she was in hard situation. If we do our best, we will be happy surely.

Different World

I read "Different World."
This book is a story of love of deaf girl.

The first time she saw him, he was standing in front of the shop across the road from her house. He had black hair. He liked motorbikes. He was kind to apples, oranges, and a little girl. And he could hear. She was in love with him. She went shopping to the shop where he worked, but she couldn't talk with him well. She was very sad. However, in an unbelievable thing, he lived in her friend's brother's house. And they were in love. But there were problems because of deaf.

I like this story. I think that it doesn't matter with love whether or not deaf. The most important thing in love is a feeling to think about your partner. I want to be in love like this book.

The Barcelona Game

I read "The Barcelona game." The reason why I chose this book, I thought that this story was about soccer.

There was a girl named Holly. She is twelve, quite, and she loves books. And she have two brothers. They are seventeen, noisy, and they love football. Holly and her brothers went to Spain to watch the game of Manchester. When they get in Spain, Holly's bag was broken. She bought a new bag of Barcelona.
And when she was taking a rest alone in cafe, she lost her bag. A man who had the same bag in cafe made a mistake and he took her bag. In her bag, there were her book and game ticket!!! She chased the man, but he got taxi. Fortunately, she was helped by Pere who was riding a motorbike. Finally, she got back her bag. And they can watch the Manchester games.

This book was easy to read and understand. I enjoyed reading this book.

I have no picture because I read this book in library. I'm sorry.


I read a book "FOOTBALL."
This book is written about football. I chose this book because I love football.

Football means soccer. The name 'soccer' comes from the official name for the game:Association Football. One hundred years ago, some English students took the 'SOC' in 'Association Football' and started calling this new game soccer.
Like this, it is written that simple explanation about football, history of football, about cup game, and about World Cup in this book.

I like football especially in England. So I knew something, for example about FA cup, but I didn't know about the history and origin. I was happy because I could know about English football more. Before 100 years the birth of me, the English Football league was started. It was started by 12 teams, and 11 of these 12 teams are still playing today. But I know only 5 teams. I want to know team name more.

I feel happy because I know more about football. I want to go to England and watch the football games someday.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

speaking 6/18

I studied about "fashion."
I wrote what I wrote in yesterday's diary on the blackboard.

And we watched the video of presentations.
It was shameful to watch my video.
However it was good because I watched presentations of other groups.

We have to do new group homework.
I'm looking forward to who becomes the same group.
I will do my best to new group homework.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Speaking class

I will study about "Fashion."

I wear a uniform for a part-time job.
My shirts is yellow, and my apron is green.
I like my uniform♪

I want to wear yukata!
And I want to go to see fireworks!!!

Speaking 6/11

I'm sorry for forgetting the diary update.

Presentation was scheduled to be done in the class.
However, the boy of same English Section died of the accident.
Presentation were canceled because there is a person who cannot come for the funeral.
I was not personally related with the boy, but I feel sadness the death of a familiar person.
And I thought the accident to be scary, so I want also to take care.

I saw presentations of other classes.
I was surprised to the English language skill of class A.
I want to speak English well like them!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I read "Just Like a Movie."
Hero Brad of this book is a man who is poor and likes movie. He wanted money so that he might marry her girlfriend named Gina. He saw a movie at such time. The movie was a story of a poor couple. She married the man who was rich and had sickness because she wanted to marry her boyfriend. After the rich man died, she married her boyfriend with money that the rich man left and became happy. Brad was thought that he also got money by the method like this movie. And, he married a rich woman named Carrie. She died suddenly after a while, and he was able to get a lot of her money.
His plan was a failure as he thought even here.
It was a strategy that Carrie died. She thought it with Gina. And Carrie was alive. After all, Brad has gone to the jug.

I was surprised to read everything because I didn't think such story.
I thought that the reality doesn't go good.
And I thought that there was something that was more important more money.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I studied "student life" in speaking class today.
It was difficult for me to tell where it is.
I want to come to be able to explain better.

We plan to gather for the group homework on Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday, June 4, 2007


I read "The Blue Diamond."
This book is Sherlock Holmes's story.

Early morning of day of Christmas, Peterson the doorman picked up the hat and a goose that a man had dropped. Diamond was in the goose. It was the Countess of Morcar's blue diamond, and it disappeared a week ago. The mystery started by it.

I read Sherlock Holmes's story for the first time. It was very interesting. He understood about the owner of the hat, and he controlled other's feelings well and got important information. I thought it was very wise. He is very cool!!!

I want to read Holmes's book more.


I will study about "student life" in speaking class.
I live with my family.
I love my family, and I enjoy the time spent with my family.

We're examining living alone.
I'm longing to live alone.
I'll do my best to be a good announcement.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I will study "animals" in speaking class.
I love animals, especially dogs.
I hope to enjoy class.

But I worry wheter I sent homework by mail properly.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I'm reading "THE NOTEBOOK."
This book became a movie, and is called "kiminiyomu monogatari" in Japan.

I've just start to read, but I want to read continuance early.

I hope I can be wonderful in love with someone like this story.

5/14 speaking class

I studied "what students do."
For example,I listen to music,I study English and I go shopping.
And we have to do homework.
It's difficlut for me,but I will do my best.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

speaking class

I've forgot to renewal of my blog.

I studied about family in speaking class last week.
And I'll study about "what student do."
I want to tell other people what I did.

I wii do my best.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I like English, but I'm not good at English.
I will do my best.