Thursday, June 21, 2007


I read a book "FOOTBALL."
This book is written about football. I chose this book because I love football.

Football means soccer. The name 'soccer' comes from the official name for the game:Association Football. One hundred years ago, some English students took the 'SOC' in 'Association Football' and started calling this new game soccer.
Like this, it is written that simple explanation about football, history of football, about cup game, and about World Cup in this book.

I like football especially in England. So I knew something, for example about FA cup, but I didn't know about the history and origin. I was happy because I could know about English football more. Before 100 years the birth of me, the English Football league was started. It was started by 12 teams, and 11 of these 12 teams are still playing today. But I know only 5 teams. I want to know team name more.

I feel happy because I know more about football. I want to go to England and watch the football games someday.

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