Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Website Reviews: KAIYUKAN

Do you like aquarium? I like it very much! I've been to some aquariums before. All aquariums were very good! So I'll introduce website of Kaiyukan(海遊館). Kaiyukan is one of the largest aquarium in the world, and it is one of my favorite aquarium. I've been to Kaiyukan twice. I like there very much!!! I want to tell everyone about Kaiyukan, so I'll introduce the website of Kaiyukan! Click here.

First of all you should look Profile page. In this page, the theme of Kaiyukan is written. Kaiyukan's theme is nature in the Pacific Ocean, so we can see and feel the greatness of nature. If you read that page before you go there, you may feel deeply about the greatness of nature. You can not only enjoy but also learn! It is great thing, I think.

If you know about marine lives in Kaiyukan, look 'Popular Fishes and Marine Mammals' page. There are pictures and explanations of marine lives. However there are only a few pictures. There are more pictures in Japanese page. You can learn about marine lives. I like Pacific White-sided Dolphin ( in Japan, we call カマイルカ)! They are so cute!!! Whale Shark is also cute.

Kaiyukan is located in Tempozan Harbor Village, and there are also other amusement there. You can eat delicious foods, go shopping, take a Ferris wheel, enjoy contact with animal, and so on! If you proceed, you can enter again and again! You can enjoy all day there. I think that you should buy economical ticket set. When I went to Kaiyukan, I bought ticket of Kaiyukan and Ferris wheel as a set. The Ferris wheel is so nice! If you take it at night, you can see beautiful night view. Also I was able to enjoy contact with animal. I fed rabbits, goat, and squirrels! It was really fun. Many amusement will certainly attract you!

If you have questions, please ask me or visit website of Kaiyukan. In the web page written in Japanese, there is more detailed information. So it is also good to see Japanese page. I hope that you become interested in Kaiyukan and go there! You should go there!!! Kaiyukan is really great aquarium. I can recommend Kaiyukan with great confidence.

(379 words)


yui said...

Hi! I'm yui.
I like aquarium too! It is very beautiful.
I didn't know Kaiyukan before your review.
However I understood about Kaiyukan is very good place.

When did you go to aquarium recently?

dumpling said...

it seemed you had a good time! do you hang out with your friends alot?

chusong said...

Hi, chie! I've been to there! And yea, it was so much fun! Kaiyukan is really nice.

And I have sugggestions. Why don't you write about your favorite point in the web site, like, "I like blah blah blah in the site"? :) I like your review though :D

mii said...

Hi, Chie!!! I am Mio. I read your blog.
You know, I like aquarium, too.
I suggest to change the size of letters. Your blog has many pictures, and easy to read. If you do it, it become better, I think.

Anonymous said...

heeey what's up Chiee--x)
Thnk u for your comment on my essay NE! *hah*
so I read your essay--
it was totally good! and yap, Kaiyukan is so nice place isn't it??x)

and btw, i have a suggestion little bit:)

in this essay, you introduce each page in the site, i think. ;)
When i read yours, i thought that if you made a link to the page you introduce, your essay is easier to read and more more nice review!!!

have a good night and see ya!

chie said...

Thank you for your comments!!!

Yes! Kaiyukan is very good aquarium!! You should go there :-)

I went to 八景島シーパラダイス in August. It is also good!

I had a very good time! :-D

I sometimes hang out with my friends!

Kaiyukan is nice, and Umitamago is also nice! though I've never been to There :-)

Thank you for your suggestion! I'll refer to your advice!!

Hi!Mio :-) Let's go to aquariums together!!!

Change the size of letters! I see☆ I'll change them!

I like your blog :-) I often visit your blog!!!

Kaiyukan is so nice! It's a great aquarium!!!

Thank you for your suggestion! I have no idea about links until I read your comment. I'll change it!