Wednesday, November 26, 2008

yellow cap :)

Today I got a yellow cap!!!!! When I was in writing class, Mr. B said that I and Airi were chosen for the best essay! I couldn't believe that because my essay was soooooooooooo bad ;( However I was glad that I was chosen for best essay. Thank you!!! And then, we did janken, but we chose same pose, so we got prizes :) First was my turn, so I put my hand into bag. I wanted to something nice, and I chose and chose and chose.... Yes! I decided!! So I took something I chose from bag .... it was a yellow cap!!! It doesn't be to my taste, but it's cute! Thank you, Mr. B :)

I came back home, and I let Milktea put on a cap. She looked nice!!! She and a cap were so cute :)))

(139 words)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I miss you!!!!

Today I had first period class, so I woke up early. I was a little late for writing class, I'm sorry ;( Today Manami didn't come, so I missed her. I studied earnestly today, and then the writing class finished.

I didn't have second period, so I went to the library and worked at my assignment, then Miyo and Narumi came to the library. They finished their class :) My assignment has just finished, so we went to Kenkyutou and turned in our assignment. After that we moved to next class's classroom, and had lunch there. We talked after eating. I love the time with friend :)

And third period class started. Third class was listening class. We listening and writing. Today's exercise was difficult a little, so we studied harder. But we couldn't solve only one question! So after class, we talked about this problem. And Narumi and I got answer!!!! We didn't know that's a correct answer, but probably it was correct. I thought.

I went home with Narumi. I enjoyed talking with her :) When I got home, Milktea waited for me at door. I was glad and she was cute!!! So we watched sumo together. HOWEVER!!! My favorite rikishi, Kakuryu was absent from today!!! I was so sad!!!!!!!!! He hurt his leg during yesterday's bout. His hurt was not badly, but I worried about him ;( I hope that he'll get well soon!!!

I missed Manami and Kakuryu today. I want to see you!!!

(253 words)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Best Essay


I nominated Moco's essay for the best essay! Her essay is easy to read and understand. Also I can sympathize with her thought. Because of these reasons, I chose her essay!

(34 words)

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today I drove for the first time!!!!!!! I was so nervous before I drove. However my teacher was kind and nice person, so I felt relaxed. First I was taught basic things before driving. For example, how to open and close the door, how to get into a car, and so on. And then, I was taught how to drive!!!!! I gripped handle, and put off brake pedal, then my car moved!!!! Oh! I'm driving now! I though that. It was so exciting to drive!!!! :D

It's not easy, of course difficult and dangerous. However probably driver's license change my life! So I'll do my best to be a good driver!!!

(115 words)

Essay: Life with Dogs

Today I'll introduce my future community! I want to make a special community, it's a "Dachshund Club." This club is for the lover of dachshund. Do you know dachshund? It's a kind of dogs. And Milktea is dachshund. Dachshund is very cute, so they are popular. Especially small size dachshund is very cute! They are long body and short legs. Because of it, they have weak backbone. That's a short explanation about dachshund. I think that this community will be nice club. So I'll talk about purposes, activities, and dream of this club.

First I'll talk about the purposes of this club. I want to make this club because of Milktea. Since I've lived with Milktea, I have many worries. What food is the best? What toys should we choose? What dose she think? I want to make Milktea happy, so I think about Milktea a lot! However I can't talk about my worry with others. So I can't solve these problems! But if there is Dachshund Club, we have same problems, so we can talk about our problem each other!!! This is so useful for them who have Dachshund, I think. So the purpose of this club is to solve our worries!

Next is about activities of this club! Main activity is the exchange of information. For example, vaccination, foods, shampoo, veterinary clinic, free place for dogs (we always say dog-run), and so on. Also if we live near, we go to cafe with dog together! It is also nice to walk our dogs together, I think! Or somebody want to make their dog marry, you can choose from this club's dog. Contact with them who have dachshund is so fun! We can understand each other. Other important activity is cleaning in our town. When we walk our dog and they get to toilet, it is manner to clean it. However some people don't clean up! It is a bad manner. So we clean our town as same people who have dogs. We are cooperate and follow good manner!

Last is my idea of dream. This club isn't just a fan club of dachshund. I want to make more useful community! Now there are many problems about dogs. I hope that this club became meaningful community. We have responsibility for dogs, so we have to think about them seriously. And in the future, this club's activity will expand to the world! We must think about important lives and save them. I hope so.

There are many communities of dogs, but I want to make some different club! We have will, and active to solve many big and small problems. I think that this club became a nice club! Everyone love their dogs and make them happy, so we have to cooperate each other. I hope that we make good community with our sweet dogs!

(489 words)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

outline for essay

*what 'dachshund club' is


(9 words)

community of dachshund

I'll introduce my future community! I want to make 'dachshund club in Kumamoto.' This club is for those people who love dachshund. I think that many people love dachshund and have dachshund as a pet or family. Also they want to talk about their lovely dachshund or problem about them. They need this community!!! So I'll make it.

First I'll talk about purpose of this community in detail.

(71 words)

Brainstorms for essay


(6 words)


Now I'm going to the driving school!!! Today I studied about indicator and so on. To study at driving school is very fun for me!!! I enjoyed today's class :) And I'll drive a car on Saturday!!!!!! It will be my first drive. I'm looking forward to driving!!! Can I drive well? My family and friends say, 'You can't drive well! I don't want to ride a car you drive.' .... ;( No!!! I don't think so!!! I'm sure that I can drive well!!!!! I'll do my best on Saturday! :D

If I get a driver's licence, shall we drive with me? :)

(109 words)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We LOVE Sumo!!!!! I LOVE Kakuryu!!!!!

I went to Fukuoka to see SUMO!!! It's annual event for my family to go to Fukuoka to see sumo :) This year my father, mother, sister, and I went there! I loved sumo, so I was looking forward to watch sumo!

We went to Kumamoto Station at 8:30, and took the train at about 9. An hour and a half later we arrived at Hakata Station! Then my father went to Fukuoka International Center in order to watch sumo, and my mother, sister, and I went to Tenjin! We went there to buy some foods for Milktea :D I chose something delicious new toy! Next year will be year of cow, so I bought a stuffed toy cow. I named him 'Mo-chan(もーちゃん)' because cow say 'mo- mo-' in Japanese :) He was so cute toy!! I was happy because I could buy nice present for Milktea.

After that we had lunch, and went to Fukuoka International Center by bus! Then we arrived!!!!! I dashed there!!! Oh! I came back here!!! I missed you!!!!!! We went in, and joined with my father. First I went to buy souvenir for my friends. I like the sumo cookie, so I bought it. And my sister also bought. When we're choosing souvenir, many sumo wrestler came in! They had so nice smell, and it made me happy. I was excited because I could see many sumo wrestler!
We came back our seat, but I wanted to see sumo wrestler more, so I went to entrance again. And then!!! I saw Kitazakura!!! Last year I saw him, and I was taken photo with him :) He was sooooooooo kind and popular rikishi! Also I like him! When I saw him, I was tensed up. I wanted to call him, but I couldn't! What a pity! However :) I was glad only to see him nearly. After I saw Kitazakura, I saw many many sumo wrestler! Kaio, Baruto, Kisenosato, Aminishiki, Asasekiryu, Kotoosyu, Takamisakari, and so on. Do you know them? They are famous sumo wrestler!
However!!! I didn't see my favorite rikishi, Kakuryu!!!! I wanted to see him ;( Though I also wanted to watch Juryo's match, so I went back my seat. My favorite rikishi, Kitazakura won :) I was glad!!!
I watched almost juryo's match, then my father said to me, 'if you go down, probably you can see Kakuryu!' Oh, that's nice idea!!!!! So I went down east gateway. There were many people who wanted to see sumo wrestler. I waited with them, and.... !!!!!!!! KAKURYU CAME HERE!!! I was surprised and glad very much!!!! I took some picture, however I had shaken my camera because of strain ;( BUT!!!! I was just happy to see him! I had thought that he was cute when I had seen him on TV, however real Kakuryu was so cool! I loved him more :)

I went back my seat with feeling happy. And I watched makuuchi's match with my family. I shouted to my favorite sumo wrestler, and enjoyed very much! Regrettably Kakuryu lost today. Cheer up!!! I'll cheer you forever!!!!

After watching sumo, we went to Hakata Station, and took the train. We got home at 8. We were tired very much, so slept early. Oh, Milktea came home at 9. She went to the pet shop. Then I slept with Milktea :)

Since I was a junior high school student, I go to the Kyusyu Grand Sumo Tournament every year. I enjoyed every time, however this year was the most exciting for me! I love sumo, I realized that again. From tomorrow I'll watch sumo on TV, but I'll cheer sumo wrestlers hard! For two weeks, I can enjoy everyday :) And I'm looking forward to see Kakuryu again next year!!!! Thank you for taking me to sumo, Dad.

This is my trip diary for sumo. Thank you for reading!

(653 words)

Monday, November 3, 2008

MR 2-01: Important Things That She Taught Me

I watched 'Mrs. Doubtfire.' This movie was so interesting! I enjoyed watching it. And this movie taught me three important things: Love, marriage, and happiness. So I'll talk to you about what I felt from this movie.

First, I'll talk about love. I thought that there were many loves in this movie. Daniel loved his children, and Miranda also did. Children loved their parents. Daniel and Miranda also loved their works. And because of love, Daniel played Mrs. Doubtfire. However their loves caused many troubles. Love doesn't always make us happy. However the feeling what we think about someone is very important things.

Next is about marriage. I think that we can't marriage only we love each other. At first love is need, but of course we need money. Also our family members increase if we get baby. Miranda said, "Well, at first, nothing. He was so... romantic, so passionate." "It was Daniel's spontaneity and energy I fell in love with. Everyone else I knew was so organized, so scheduled. But Daniel was so wonderfully different, and funny. He could always make me laugh. But after a few years, everything just stopped being funny. I was working all the time, and he was always between jobs. I hardly ever got to see the kids." This words expressed important things, I thought. We can't marriage only love! Daniel and Miranda loved each other, I thought, but they divorced. Marriage is difficult!

Finally, I wanna talk about happiness of family. It is the most impressive thing for me. If I make this movie, I don't select the ending like this movie. A happy ending usually finished after they reconcile, and sometimes they kiss. However this movie was different. We were able to find new shape of love. Mrs. Doubtfire said, "You know, some parents get along much better when they don't live together. They don't fight all the time and they can become better people. Much better mommies and daddies for you. And sometimes they get back together. And sometimes they don't, dear. And if they don't, don't blame yourself. Just because they don't love each other doesn't mean that they don't love you. There are all sorts of different families, Katie.", and "But if there's love, dear those are the ties that bind. And you'll have a family in your heart for ever." This movie is positive about divorce. Divorce is not only end but also it's the beginning of new sort of family. It is not happy only to live together. Each family have the sort of their happiness.

This movie was a comedy! We were able to laugh many times. However it was also serious movie, and there were many important things. Daniel gave me a lot of happiness! Probably you feel something important if you watch this movie! I liked Mrs. Doubtfire!!!!! I want to think about love, marriage, and happiness of family. And I hope that I can make the happiest family in the future.

(516 words)

Outline for Movie Review



・happiness of family


(8 words)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Yesterday I went to Hiroshima!!! Why did I go to Hiroshima? BECAUSE!!! I wanted to go Miyajima Aquarium!!!!! So I went to Hiroshima with my cousin, Nana.

We arrived at Hiroshima at eleven! And we took the train again, and rode on a boat for Miyajima! And we arrived at Miyajima :))) We walked to Miyajima Aquarium. On my way to the aquarium, we saw Itsukushima Shrine! Do you know it? It was registerd on World Heritage list in 1996. Very famous shrine! I've never been to Itsukushima Shrine, so I was so glad to see it!

We walked and walked and walked... and arrived at MIYAJIMA AQUARIUM!!!!! This aquarium was famous for SUNAMERI(スナメリ, Finless Porpoise). Sunameri is a kind of dolphin, and they're so cute!!!!!!! I found them soon :) Oh!!! Very cute!!!! There were four dolphins, and one dolphin approached us! I was moved! Also I was so happy :D

And we saw many marine lives. All animals were very cute and made me happy. Miyajima Aquarium wasn't large so much, so we looked around again and again. I couldn't be tired of seeing them :)

We left aquarium at five. And we rode a boat, took the train.... and arrived at Kumamoto at 10:30! We were very tired. However this was happy tiredness, I thought.

I've been to some aquariums. Every aquarium was so nice. However Miyajima Aquarium is very very nice! I like it very much!!! So I'm so sad that Miyajima Aquarium close down ;( This is for renewal, but I like the present Miyajima Aquarium! I don't want to renew... but I hope that new Miyajima Aquarium will be better than now! And I want to go to new Miyajima Aquarium, and meet sunameri again :) I'm looking forward to see you!!!!!
now they are talking.... :)
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