Sunday, November 9, 2008

We LOVE Sumo!!!!! I LOVE Kakuryu!!!!!

I went to Fukuoka to see SUMO!!! It's annual event for my family to go to Fukuoka to see sumo :) This year my father, mother, sister, and I went there! I loved sumo, so I was looking forward to watch sumo!

We went to Kumamoto Station at 8:30, and took the train at about 9. An hour and a half later we arrived at Hakata Station! Then my father went to Fukuoka International Center in order to watch sumo, and my mother, sister, and I went to Tenjin! We went there to buy some foods for Milktea :D I chose something delicious new toy! Next year will be year of cow, so I bought a stuffed toy cow. I named him 'Mo-chan(もーちゃん)' because cow say 'mo- mo-' in Japanese :) He was so cute toy!! I was happy because I could buy nice present for Milktea.

After that we had lunch, and went to Fukuoka International Center by bus! Then we arrived!!!!! I dashed there!!! Oh! I came back here!!! I missed you!!!!!! We went in, and joined with my father. First I went to buy souvenir for my friends. I like the sumo cookie, so I bought it. And my sister also bought. When we're choosing souvenir, many sumo wrestler came in! They had so nice smell, and it made me happy. I was excited because I could see many sumo wrestler!
We came back our seat, but I wanted to see sumo wrestler more, so I went to entrance again. And then!!! I saw Kitazakura!!! Last year I saw him, and I was taken photo with him :) He was sooooooooo kind and popular rikishi! Also I like him! When I saw him, I was tensed up. I wanted to call him, but I couldn't! What a pity! However :) I was glad only to see him nearly. After I saw Kitazakura, I saw many many sumo wrestler! Kaio, Baruto, Kisenosato, Aminishiki, Asasekiryu, Kotoosyu, Takamisakari, and so on. Do you know them? They are famous sumo wrestler!
However!!! I didn't see my favorite rikishi, Kakuryu!!!! I wanted to see him ;( Though I also wanted to watch Juryo's match, so I went back my seat. My favorite rikishi, Kitazakura won :) I was glad!!!
I watched almost juryo's match, then my father said to me, 'if you go down, probably you can see Kakuryu!' Oh, that's nice idea!!!!! So I went down east gateway. There were many people who wanted to see sumo wrestler. I waited with them, and.... !!!!!!!! KAKURYU CAME HERE!!! I was surprised and glad very much!!!! I took some picture, however I had shaken my camera because of strain ;( BUT!!!! I was just happy to see him! I had thought that he was cute when I had seen him on TV, however real Kakuryu was so cool! I loved him more :)

I went back my seat with feeling happy. And I watched makuuchi's match with my family. I shouted to my favorite sumo wrestler, and enjoyed very much! Regrettably Kakuryu lost today. Cheer up!!! I'll cheer you forever!!!!

After watching sumo, we went to Hakata Station, and took the train. We got home at 8. We were tired very much, so slept early. Oh, Milktea came home at 9. She went to the pet shop. Then I slept with Milktea :)

Since I was a junior high school student, I go to the Kyusyu Grand Sumo Tournament every year. I enjoyed every time, however this year was the most exciting for me! I love sumo, I realized that again. From tomorrow I'll watch sumo on TV, but I'll cheer sumo wrestlers hard! For two weeks, I can enjoy everyday :) And I'm looking forward to see Kakuryu again next year!!!! Thank you for taking me to sumo, Dad.

This is my trip diary for sumo. Thank you for reading!

(653 words)

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