Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yesterday I went to a gyukaku where is restaurant of grilled meat. I ate too much!! Salad, pibimpap, of course meat, and so on... everything was so delicious! I had a little stomachache yesterday, however I ate a lot because it was delicious. I love meat. After dinner, I got home on foot. I hope it was useful for diet...

(60 words)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

"I will be more beautiful."

When I got up this morning, Milktea was not in her room. I was very surprised!!! Where is she?? I want to see her!!!

However I remembered. My mother made an appointment of beauty salon! She is becoming beautiful now. Oh! I mistake. She is becoming beautiful more!!!

I miss her. I hope she come home soon...

Today's photo was taken three days ago. I took. She loves bread. She looks happy.

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BR 1-03: Key Trouble

I read "Key Trouble."

Kipper saw that the magic key was glowing. Suddenly he went into a strange grey world!

If I go into a gray world, I think I can't live because of fear! And it is sad that everything is grey. All flower are grey, all TV program are grey, and my cute dog, Milktea is also grey!!! I can't bear. I must not pick up a magic key.

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BR 1-02: A New School

I read "A New School."

This was a story about a new term. Sunita started to go to school, and Donut and Cleo changed their school. What happened for them?

It was easy to read because there were many picture in this book. I've never changed my school, so I couldn't feelings of Donut and Cleo. I've felt fear when I entered school. I have a brother. He was kind to me when we were student of elementary school. So, though I felt fear when I entered, I felt relief soon. I thought that it was good to have a brother.

And I thought that Donut was good boy! I hope Donut and Ravi will enjoy their school life together.

(123 words)

Friday, April 25, 2008

she missed me very much

After school I went to street with my mother. I bought some cloths, and we went to cafe. I ate tart of raspberry. It was so delicious!!! I was so happy. After that, we went to other dress shop. I bought some cloths again. Actually, my mother bought me cloths. Thank you!!!

I came home in happy feeling, however, I became sad. Because Milktea was wrong!!! I thought that she felt sad and she ate too much. I worried about her condition, but she looked good! I relieved. Tomorrow I'll play with her all day! I love you, Milktea.

(100 words)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Good-bye Cosmos!

I decided that I will leave my part-time job in May. I'm working at drugstore, cosmos. I started my part-time job in April last year, so I've worked about one year. I was able to learn many things and meet many people through my part-time job. I think that it was good to work at cosmos. I don't find my new part-time job for some time. If I find new part-time job, I want to find good job like cosmos. Thank you and good-bye cosmos:-)


Sunday, April 20, 2008


I went to the yulax where is hot spring facilities. I went there with my sister. If we buy tickets separately, we should pay 580yen apiece. However if we buy tickets in a set of two, we should pay 500yen apiece! We should go with someone:-) So we can take a bath more cheaper and happier.

First, I took an open-air bath. It was fine today, so I felt so good! Next I took the biggest bath there. In that bath, there was like a bubble bath. It was so nice:-) My body tickled a little, but it was good. There was a electric bath, but I didn't take because I feared:-(

After I got out of the bath, I got smooth skin from the hot spring♪

If the boiler in my house will not repair, I will go there again! I'm happy, but I want to take a bath in my house...

(156 words)

I was mistaken! I thought that I should write five posts until Sunday. However, actually, I should five posts until Saturday. I didn't five posts last week. I will be careful from this week. I'm sorry.

Please give me something hot!

I was taking shower.

I was washing my head.

So I wanted to rinse the shampoo out of my hair,

and I turned on the tap...


Oh, no!! The hot water didn't come out!!!!

The boiler has broken;-(
So my sister boiled water, and my mother made tepid water and gave me.
I was so cold. Very cold!!! It was a bad day...

I want to take a bath, so I'll go to hot spring!:-)



I read "DUKE'S SON." This book is the Sherlock Holmes series. I has read a book about Sherlock Holmes, and it was so interesting! So I wanted to read another story of Sherlock Holmes.

However I wasn't able to understand properly about this story because there were many characters in this story! I was confused; But!!! Sherlock Holmes was so cool! If I am Watson, I can spend an exciting life, I think. I will read again and I want to understand more.
(85 words)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Music I Like

I'll talk about my favorite music.

My favorite singer is Aiko. She is one of famous Japanese singer and sings mainly songs of love. She is so cute and looks young, but she is over 30 years old now! I can't believe!!

My favorite song of Aiko's is "DO YOU THINK ABOUT ME?" This is sad song. You can listen on You Tube, so you should listen!!! I listen her song everyday. Of course I'm listening now.

I have all of her CD albums, but I don't have almost single CD of her. I want her all CD!!! I'm interested in her indies songs. Recently I can listen her indies songs on You Tube. I'm happy♪ When I go to karaoke, I almost sing Aiko's song. I love Aiko!!!

Milktea, Junichi Inamoto, and Aiko are need for me. I listen Aiko, I can be happy.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Milktea In The Car

It rained today and my father didn't have a his job, so I was taken to the college by my father.

I had the first period today. I studied about history of English literature. It was an interesting class, but I was so sleepy. Next period I studied about history of the West. I enjoyed studying:-) In the lunch time, I had a lunch with my friends. I often have a lunch alone. I like eat alone, but it is also fun to eat with friends:-) After lunch, I met my friend. She will be 20 years old tomorrow, so I gave a birthday present today! Though one day early, I wanted to surprise her. I she looked happy! And I became happy too. In the third and fourth period, I was tired. However I didn't sleep;-) I enjoyed today's classes♪

My father, mother, and Milktea came to my college by the car after school. Milktea was so cute!!! I wanted to show everyone Milktea, so I opened the window.

She loves to look at scenes. And I love to look at Milktea when she look at the outside. I'm happy that I can be with her.

It'll be the last day of this week tomorrow. I hope that I can enjoy tomorrow...

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Because she is so cute...

It rained today. I like rain because it is good sound.

Today's first period was writing class. I wasn't late for class. I met Mr. Beaufait first. He was delightful person and I liked him :-) I enjoyed first class of Writing. However I'm not good at using the computer, so I use the computer at home more.

I didn't have second period. I got home and I slept with my dog, Milktea.

When I woke up, it was 12:30. I had a class of listening at 1 o'clock. I slept too much!!! I wasn't able to go by bicycle because it rained.

However if I walked, I wasn't able to arrive by 1 'o'clock! Finally I went to school by the car. I paid 800 yen;-(

I arrived by 1 o'clock, but we had no class in the third period. I relieved and I was shocked a little...

I thought that I don't get home in my vacant hours. However I want to see Milktea...because she is so cute!!!
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Ina, Milktea, Dolphin...About Me

Hello. My name is Chie. Please call me Chie. I'm 19 years old. I live in Kumamoto in Japan. Kumamoto is located in the south. There is Mt. Aso in Kumamoto. Mt. Aso is famous for caldera.

I'm a student in KGU. I'm majoring in English, and I'm studying about the culture of other countries too. I found that I don't know so much about my country, Japan. If I want to know about foreign cultures, I must study about my country first. However it is difficult for me to study.

I'll talk about my hobby. I like watching soccer game on TV. I sometimes watch the games in Europe. My favorite player is Junichi Inamoto. I love him! He belongs to Frankfurt in Germany. His play impresses me. Also I like his smile:-) I love him since the World Cup in 2002. He is so cool! What sports do you like? And who is your favorite player? If you like soccer, would you take me to soccer stadium? I want to watch the soccer games in England.

I like cooking and eating. However I'm not good at cooking. I'm learning cooking from my mother. I hope that I become a cook in my family.

I have a dog. Her name is Milktea because color of her hair is like tea of milk. She loves eating like me. She is so cute!!! However she is so selfishness like me. I often fight with her, but I love her. She is my family, and my best friend.

I want to go the aquarium! i love dolphins. I want to see dolphins! Is there any aquariums in England?

I'm shy, so I'm nervous. However I'm looking forward to see you! Thank you for reading. See you.

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