Thursday, April 17, 2008

Milktea In The Car

It rained today and my father didn't have a his job, so I was taken to the college by my father.

I had the first period today. I studied about history of English literature. It was an interesting class, but I was so sleepy. Next period I studied about history of the West. I enjoyed studying:-) In the lunch time, I had a lunch with my friends. I often have a lunch alone. I like eat alone, but it is also fun to eat with friends:-) After lunch, I met my friend. She will be 20 years old tomorrow, so I gave a birthday present today! Though one day early, I wanted to surprise her. I she looked happy! And I became happy too. In the third and fourth period, I was tired. However I didn't sleep;-) I enjoyed today's classes♪

My father, mother, and Milktea came to my college by the car after school. Milktea was so cute!!! I wanted to show everyone Milktea, so I opened the window.

She loves to look at scenes. And I love to look at Milktea when she look at the outside. I'm happy that I can be with her.

It'll be the last day of this week tomorrow. I hope that I can enjoy tomorrow...

(217 words)

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