Saturday, April 26, 2008

BR 1-03: Key Trouble

I read "Key Trouble."

Kipper saw that the magic key was glowing. Suddenly he went into a strange grey world!

If I go into a gray world, I think I can't live because of fear! And it is sad that everything is grey. All flower are grey, all TV program are grey, and my cute dog, Milktea is also grey!!! I can't bear. I must not pick up a magic key.

(73 words)


Paul Beaufait said...

Hi Chie,

I'd like to ask you to do me three favors:

1) Would you please use the key string + number prefix that I've explained in class, and spelled out in WSB 1-01 in the title of all of your book reviews: past, present, and future? That will make them easy to find in your archive.

2) Would you please label all of your book reviews with at least these two labels: "books" and "reviews"? Then they will show up in various searches.

3) Last, but not least important, would you please ask all of your classmates and peers in courses that I teach to do the same?


chie said...

Hi, Mr.Beaufait,

Thank you for your comment. I didn't understand. I'm sorry. So I corrected, and is this all right?

Also I'll ask my friends!

Paul Beaufait said...

The way your book review looks now shows that you've taken care of the key string and book review labels already. Thanks for reminding your classmates and peers.