Sunday, June 1, 2008

MR 1-2: We need superheros!

I watched Mr.Incredible.

First I'll explain about the characters. Bob is a superhero as Mr. Incredible. He has an incredible power. Helen is also a superhero as Elastigirl. She can stretch any shape! They are married, and they have three children, Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack. Violet can become invisible person. Also she can make fields. Dash can run uncanny speed. Jack-Jack is a baby. His talent is unknown. And Frozen is a friend of Bob. He is also superhero. Incrediboy is long for Mr. Incredible. His real name is Syndrome. Edna is a designer, and she designed for Mr. Incredible's costume. Mirage is mysterious woman.

Mr. Incredible was a famous superhero. He guarded the peace of town and helped many people. There were also some other superheros in the town, and everyone depended on superheros. One day Mr. Incredible helped a man who want to kill himself. He survived, so Mr.Incredible saved his life! However he accused Mr. Incredible of helping him though he wanted to die. It triggered, and superheros were accused one after another! So superheros forced to live as normal people.

Bob worked at an insurance office. However he couldn't forget about his glory as superheros. Because of it, he couldn't concentrate on his work. Since his family also had to hide their talent, so they had complaint and they long for normal. One day Bob got into trouble and he was fired. At the moment he got a message. It was from Mirage. This message said that there were new works as a superhero. Bob was delight! And he decided to undertake this work. This work was to fight with robot. Anyone couldn't control this robot, so Mirage asked Bob to catch this robot. And he succeed at this work!!! Then his life was changed. He become energetically, and he could get back his past glory. However he kept this work secret from his family.

Such his life had continued two months. Mirage asked Bob to do new work, however it was a trap of Syndrome! Syndrome had a grudge against Mr. Incredible. 15 years ago, he longed for Mr. Incredible, so he called himself Incrediboy. However he damaged because Mr. Incredible ignored him. He invented many machines in order to revenge Mr. Incredible. Bob was caught by new robot and Syndrome. At the moment, Helen noticed that her husband had secret. So she called Edna and met her. And she knew that Bob left his work and he got new work. She decided she went to the island where Bob was in with super suits made by Edna. Helen chartered a jet plane. Amazingly, Violet and Dash were in the jet plane! Then the jet plane was attacked and blew up. Bob knew it and despaired. However they lived by using their each super talent.

Helen got into hideout alone and she helped Bob. At the moment, children were found by enemies! So children fought with their super talent. Bob and Helen escaped from hideout, and all family members joined in the forest!! They fought, but they were caught by Syndrome. Syndrome sent his robot. And Syndrome went to the town in order to become superhero. Bob and his family escaped through Violet's talent, and they went to the town by the rocket in order to save the town!

In the town, the robot rampaged around. Though Syndrome pretended to save the town from this robot, in fact, he controlled this robot. Bob and his family arrived there, and they fought. However, without notice, even Syndrome couldn't control the robot! So Bob and his family cooperated with Frozen, they subverted this robot!!!

Syndrome couldn't give up, so he went to Bob's house and he wanted to kidnap Jack-Jack. However Jack-Jack had grate talent!!! Syndrome couldn't kidnap Jack-Jack, and he died because his cloak was caught in engine of the jet plane.

After that, Bob got back the proud as a superhero. Also he remembered love for his family. Family's life were changed, and they became happy with sometimes becoming superheros.

I like this movie!! I've watched this movie many times. The point of this movie I thought was the growth of family, especially of children. Violet became actively, and Dash was able to use effectively his talent he had too much. Bob and Helen knitted the york of matrimony. I think that adult can also enjoy this movie!! You should watch this movie and become cheerful. I'm looking forward to produce sequel of this movie.

(769 words)


miyo said...

Hello, Chie.
I nominated your essay as the Best Post Title.
And putting many photoes is so nice I think.


Emily said...

Hi, Chie! I moninated your essay1-04 "The best title"!! Congratulations!!

nojomi said...

Hii!CHie!I'm Nozomi.
I nominated you essay as the best title!!

The words is short, but it contained your feelings. And I think we need superheros too!!9

chie said...

>miyo, emiri, nojomi
Thank you for your comment and nominating me! I'm glad :-)