Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My language learning history

I'll talk about my language learning history. I have studied English, French, Chinese. I like learning language.

First I'll talk about English. I started studying English when I was 10 years old. The reason why I started studying English was influence of my brother and friends. My brother went to juku school, and I often went to see him. He looked enjoying study. I became interested in English when I saw him. My friends also studied there, and they asked me to juku! I was so glad, and I decided to study English. This was my first experience to learn foreign language. I liked English very much, and of course I like English now. In junior high school and high school, I studied English hard. I watched CNN news to get listening skill. I wrote many English word to learn vocabulary. Also I talked with Assistant Language Teacher. It was so fun to talk with ALT. I thought that it was important to talk with native speaker. In the university, way to study English was changed. I studied English by native speaker, and I studied economic English. I spoke English more than before. Also I wrote, read, and listening English more. I enjoy studying English now!

Next, I started study French when I entered the university. I chose French as second language because I was interested in France. I longed for France! French was difficult to learn than English because there were neutral words. And also it was difficult to pronounce. However learning French was so interesting for me. I often studied French by listening CD. My mother liked listening French CD too, so I sometimes studied French with her. Now I don't study French, but I hope that I study French again.

Lastly, I have studied Chinese. I studied Chinese because I thought that it was most useful language than other language. Chinese was written by 'kanji', so it was easy a little to expect meaning. However I couldn't learn how to read! Chinese was difficult in accent. Chinese has 'pinyin.' Pinyin is the Roman alphabet that show how to read the word. I couldn't learn Chinese well. However I thought it was good to know about many things, for example pinyin.

Learning language is so fun! If I learn language, my world become wide. Now I learn English. English is a special language for me. By studying English, I also learn pleasure of studying language. I want to study more variety languages!! And I want to learn Of course to study language in the classroom is also important, however it is more important to speak this language and communicate with native speaker. I hope that I can communicate with many person from another country.

(461 words)


Ina said...

Hi, Chie!
I am Ina,Not INAMOTO.haha

I also learn Chinese, It is so difficult. Please teach me them.

Anyway, this picture is so cute.
What kind of story on the picture?

chie said...

Hi, again!
Chinese is too dificult ;-( I want to be taught from you! And let's go to China!!
I don't remenber... I made it with Moco.