Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Because she is so cute...

It rained today. I like rain because it is good sound.

Today's first period was writing class. I wasn't late for class. I met Mr. Beaufait first. He was delightful person and I liked him :-) I enjoyed first class of Writing. However I'm not good at using the computer, so I use the computer at home more.

I didn't have second period. I got home and I slept with my dog, Milktea.

When I woke up, it was 12:30. I had a class of listening at 1 o'clock. I slept too much!!! I wasn't able to go by bicycle because it rained.

However if I walked, I wasn't able to arrive by 1 'o'clock! Finally I went to school by the car. I paid 800 yen;-(

I arrived by 1 o'clock, but we had no class in the third period. I relieved and I was shocked a little...

I thought that I don't get home in my vacant hours. However I want to see Milktea...because she is so cute!!!
(181 words)


dumpling said...

Hey, I'm Yoshino. Well your dog is so cute, I have a dog too he is very good boy . I want to see your dog so please show me the ther picture someday. I 'm really looking forward to see that.

chie said...

Dear Yoshino, thank you for commenting on my blog:-) Do you have a dog too? I want to see your dog:-D Milktea came to school today! I wanted to show you. If she comes to school again, I'll promise you to show her.