Thursday, August 28, 2008


I made 'Rilakkuma curry fried rice.'

I watched TV. On TV, people made 'curry fried rice.' It looked so delicious, and I wanted to eat it!!!! So I decided to make it! :-9

I made curry fried rice. It was delicious, but I had an idea!! 'Oh! I should make Rilakkuma!!' ...I longed for 'キャラ弁'. キャラ弁 is abbreviation. キャラ is character, and 弁 is 弁当(lunch). If you become interested in it, search it on the Internet. I think that you can look many cute lunch :-) Anyway, I wanted to make Rilakkuma. So I tried!!!

First I made shape of Rilakkuma. It was not difficult. Next I made ears and around mouth. It was made by egg. Lastly I made eyes, nose, and mouth. It was made of seasoned nori. I cut it with scissors. It was difficult!! I did my best...

This is a Rilakkuma I made!!!

...I think it was cute :-))) How do you think?

This fried rice was so delicious!! Also it was cute. I enjoyed my lunch :-)

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Chiba Zoological Park

I went to 'Chiba Zoological Park.' I like zoo, so I was looking forward to visiting there!!

First I watched elephant. She looked dancing :-) She was very cute! Next I watched giraffe. Two giraffes were under the tree. It was hot day, so I thought that they also felt hot.
I watched many animals. However there was a special animal!!! Do you know 'Fu-ta kun'? He is a famous lesser panda. He is the most popular lesser panda because he can stand!! Many lesser panda can stand, however he is the first lesser panda to stand. Maybe everyone knows and has seen him on TV. Now he doesn't stand like before, but he is still popular!! I was looking forward to meeting him :-D Many people watched him, so I also watched. He was so cute!!!!!!! He moved through his room. He was active :-) Because he was active, I couldn't take pictures well. However I was happy just watching.

After watching lesser panda, I went to contact place. There were many animals that we can touch :-) I touched goat, sheep, donkey, and so on. All animals were very cute. I enjoyed contact with animal.

I moved amusement grounds. First I got on the one like the roller coaster. It was small, but it was scary!!!!! I don't like the roller coaster ;-( Next I got on the Ferris wheel. I like it :-) It was fun. I was happy.

After that I watched many animals. At noon, almost animals didn't move because it was hot. However many animals became active in the evening. So I enjoyed more :-)

I enjoyed all day!!! I want to go there again and meet Fu-ta kun!!!! I miss you :-)
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Hakkeijima Sea Paradise

Last week, I went to Chiba!! So I'll talk about my trip to Chiba :-) First I'll talk about Hakkeijima Sea Paradise!!!

●8/11…Hakkeijima Sea Paradise●
I went to Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise!!! This is an aquarium in Yokohama. This aquarium is very famous, so I think that many people know it.

I arrived there at 10. There were three kinds of aquariums in Hakkeijima. First I went to the largest aquarium. There were many animals. I liked polar bear! They were so cute :-) And there was chin-anago (Spotted Garden Eel), so I became very happy!!! I like chinanago very much. I took many pictures.

After I looked many animals, I went to see show of animal. However I arrived at place of show before the show started, so I looked dolphins. There was pool next to the show pool, and there were many dolphins. They practiced for show. Dolphins were so clever. I couldn't be tired of their performance.

At 12, the show started! Sea lion, walrus, pilot whale, dolphin... many kinds of animals did great performance. I was moved by their performance :-)

After that, I went to dolphin aquarium! This was special aquarium of dolphin :-D This was a visionary place! There were three dolphins and one beluga (White whale). Do you know beluga? Beluga is white dolphin. They are so cute!!! Of course beluga in hakkeijima was also cute :-) He (or she) was very popular, so many people looked him. I like 'Pacific white-sided dolphin' the best, but beluga was really cute! I like him too.

Next I went to another spacial aquarium! It was 'FUREAI Lagoon.' We can touch many animals at this aquarium. There were many animals. For example, otaria, penguin, walrus, starfish... and my sweet dolphins!!! I wanted to touch dolphins!!! I waited for the dolphins to come. Wait and wait and wait... However I couldn't touch ;-( That was very unlucky. But!!! I was happy because I was able to watch dolphins near! Dolphins were sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that I was the happiest girl :-)

At 19:30, I went to the show pool again because it was the time of last show. Night show was different from daytime show. Daytime show was very exciting, however night show was more touching! I was moved :-)

Last I bought souvenir for Milktea, my friends, and my family. I was tired a little, but I was also happy. This trip became my good memory!!!

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Friday, August 1, 2008

SUMMER VACATION (with Milktea)

Hi!! :-) Do you enjoy your summer vacation? My summer vacation has started two days ago. I finished my last assignment on July 30, so my vacation started. I have some plans in summer vacation. I'll go to firework display in Ninomaru park. I'm going to wear yukata. I like my yukata! Also I'll go to Aso with my friends. I can't wait it!!! I hope that I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Recently I sleep with Milktea every night. Somehow, I can't sleep alone lately. So Milktea helps me. Milktea makes me happy. I can relax when I'm with Milktea. I'll sleep with Milktea tonight. Tomorrow I have a hard job, so I want her help. If I can finish my tomorrow's job, I want to buy some presents for Milktea!! I'll do my best :-)

Today's pictures are my sweet Milktea!! She is intelligent. She can many performances. Another picture is also Milktea. She slept on the my textbook. Milktea is so cute!!!

Have a nice summer vacation!!!

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