Thursday, August 28, 2008


I made 'Rilakkuma curry fried rice.'

I watched TV. On TV, people made 'curry fried rice.' It looked so delicious, and I wanted to eat it!!!! So I decided to make it! :-9

I made curry fried rice. It was delicious, but I had an idea!! 'Oh! I should make Rilakkuma!!' ...I longed for 'キャラ弁'. キャラ弁 is abbreviation. キャラ is character, and 弁 is 弁当(lunch). If you become interested in it, search it on the Internet. I think that you can look many cute lunch :-) Anyway, I wanted to make Rilakkuma. So I tried!!!

First I made shape of Rilakkuma. It was not difficult. Next I made ears and around mouth. It was made by egg. Lastly I made eyes, nose, and mouth. It was made of seasoned nori. I cut it with scissors. It was difficult!! I did my best...

This is a Rilakkuma I made!!!

...I think it was cute :-))) How do you think?

This fried rice was so delicious!! Also it was cute. I enjoyed my lunch :-)

(166 words)

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