Friday, August 1, 2008

SUMMER VACATION (with Milktea)

Hi!! :-) Do you enjoy your summer vacation? My summer vacation has started two days ago. I finished my last assignment on July 30, so my vacation started. I have some plans in summer vacation. I'll go to firework display in Ninomaru park. I'm going to wear yukata. I like my yukata! Also I'll go to Aso with my friends. I can't wait it!!! I hope that I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Recently I sleep with Milktea every night. Somehow, I can't sleep alone lately. So Milktea helps me. Milktea makes me happy. I can relax when I'm with Milktea. I'll sleep with Milktea tonight. Tomorrow I have a hard job, so I want her help. If I can finish my tomorrow's job, I want to buy some presents for Milktea!! I'll do my best :-)

Today's pictures are my sweet Milktea!! She is intelligent. She can many performances. Another picture is also Milktea. She slept on the my textbook. Milktea is so cute!!!

Have a nice summer vacation!!!

(178 words)

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