Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today I had second and fourth period. Second class was a speaking class. We finished early because we had to do our homework! My group member went to library and used computer. We finished our homework :-)

After that, I had lunch with my friend. We chatted about many things. I enjoyed my lunch time!

I didn't have third class, so I went to library again. Today I went to library three times because I went there before second period started. I read a book. It was Japanese novel. I like reading a book. I kept reading a book, however I couldn't finish to read ;-( I want to borrow this book when I return the book I'm borrowing now.

After fourth period, I called my mother and talked with her. I like talking with my mother. When I walked toward my house, I saw Milktea and my mother! I went back to my house with them. I was so happy because I was able to see her before I arrived to my house!

I'll watch a rerun of sumo on TV! Did Kakuryu and Kotoosyu win??? I can't wait!!!!!

(193 words)

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