Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chinese food

Yesterday I went to Chinese restaurant with my family. This restaurant is near my house, so my family occasionally go there. This restaurant is a little strange atmosphere, but all foods are so delicious and reasonable! So my family like this restaurant.

We ate ebichiri (shrimp with chili sauce), subuta (sweet-and-sour pork), gyouza (Chinese meat dumpling), and so on. And the best we like is 'goma dango(ゴマ団子)'!!! Goma dango is covered with sesame, and there is 'anko(あんこ)' in it. It is so delicious!!!!!!!!! Also it is only 300 yen! I like it very much :-)

I was happy because I could eat many delicious foods! I want to go to again, and eat goma-dango!
(116 words)

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