Saturday, July 5, 2008

BR 1-10: Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog

I read this book. I like this series!! So I chose this book :-)

Mr. Putter's neighbor, Mrs. Teaberry hurt her foot, and she couldn't walk her dog, Zeke for a week. So Mr. Putter took Zeke for a walk in behalf of Mrs. Teaberry.

However Zeke wasn't good dog. Zeke tugged at Mr. Putter and his cat, Tabby. Zeke wrapped them around the tree. Zeke ran after big dog. After a walk, Mr. Putter and Tabby had warm milk and something sweet, and they took a nap.

They thought the good way to enjoy their walk, and they got an idea. Next day, Mr. Putter dealt with Zeke. If Zeke became a good dog while a walk, he was able to get something surprise. Zeke was a smart dog. He became a good dog while a walk! And he got sweets. He went to the pool and jump into the pool. He went to the carnival. And he went to the zoo! Zeke was happy, and Mr. Putter and Tabby were also happy :-)

This book was so interesting! Zeke was cute!! If I deal with Milktea, will she become good? I hope that my sweet dog will be good girl and we can enjoy a walk each other.

(211 words)

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