Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My dream---aquariums

I have a dream!! My dream is to visit all aquariums in Japan.

I love animals since I was child. Maybe it is my father's influence. My father likes animals, so he often took me zoo. I've been to Kumamoto Zoo many times! And my father often watched animal programs on TV. I also watched with him. So I was interested in animals.

I've been to some aquariums. I've been to Toba Aquarium and Futami Sea Paradise in Mie prefecture, Io world in Kagoshima, Kaiyukan in Osaka, Marin World in Fukuoka, and Kamogawa Sea World in Chiba. I want to many many aquariums!!! For example, Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, Churaumi Aquarium, Umitamago, Kaikyoukan, and so on. The best aquarium where I want to go is Nagoya Port Aquarium. I've heard that Nagoya Port Aquarium is great aquarium!!! So I want to go :-) And I want to go Toba Aquarium again!!! I've been to Toba Aquarium when I was 12 years old. I longed for this aquarium because I had watched there on TV. This was my first experience to see dugong (sea cow, ジュゴン). This is my unforgettable memory!!

Aquariums is full of happiness. Aquariums make everyone happy :-) I love aquariums!!!!

(202 words)

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