Friday, May 16, 2008

Full of Happy!!!

I'm enjoying my university life! I have many friends. Studies in university are very interesting. My favorite time is a lunch time. I have a nice university life.

I made many friends! One year ago, I was worry about making friends. However I was able to make friends through classes and my friends. Now also I'm making new friends. I talk and eat lunch with my friends. All my friends are kindness and cheerful!! I'm happy that I can spend good time with my good friends.

I like studies in university! In university, we can chose classes by ourselves. So we can study which we want to study! Last year I liked biology class. I didn't like biology so much before, but it became favorite class for me. This year I like many classes. I can enjoy studies. Studies in university interest me in many things!

Lunch time is happy time for me!! I like eating. My mother makes my and my sister's box lunch everyday. My mother is good at cooking. Three days a week I eat lunch with my friends. We eat with talking. It is fun! Also I often know about homework in this time, so this time is necesarry for me!!!!! Two days a week I eat alone or with my family. On Monday, I have only first and second period. So I come back home, and eat with my mother. We eat with talking or watching TV. On Wednesday, I don't have second period, but I have first and third period. I can't wait for lunchtime, so I eat in second period. I usually eat in bakery. In second period, there isn't many people. I can hear music in bakery, it's one of the reason why I eat lunch in bakery. I like eat with friends, but it's also good that I eat lunch alone. I enjoy my box lunch my mother made!

My university life is full of happy!! I think everyday that I'm glad to meet my best friends! I want to more various studies. I tresure my lunch time with delicious box lunch. I'm happy everyday!!!

(366 words)


dumpling said...

Hey, how are you?
I'm good:)
Well suddenly though... it that your lunch box, isn't it?? It looks soooo nice!
Oh, I fell hungry right now. I want to eat that so please! hehe:p

JAM said...

Hi, I am Jam!
I know you are making many effort this year! Great!! It is an encourage to me. You like lunch time, don't you? What food in luch box does make you happy?

Ina said...

Hi, This is Ina, not Inamoto.... I'm sorry :(

Your lunch time is sounds so good. Let's eat together. Your lunch is looks so dericiouse. I want to eat it!!!
Do you make lunch sometimes??

chie said...

Thank you for your comment!
Yes, it's my lunch box :-) My mother is good at cooking!!!
Let's eat it together♪

Hi, Jam!
I'm doing my best this year. Great!!!
I love lunch time :-D I like hamburger steak the best!!!

Ina!!! Don't worry that you are not Inamoto :-)))
Let's eat together!
I don't make my lunch box ;-( However I'll make lunch box someday!!!