Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'll talk about love! For everyone, love is important things. Of course, for me. I love Milktea, and Milktea also loves me! I'm happy because we love each other.
(31 words)

family (free writing)

My family is very happy, I think. I like all family members, and father, mother, sister, brother, and Milktea love me!!!! If I marry someone, I want to establish happy home like my home!

Then I'll talk about my ideal family!

(42 words)

BR 2-03: Beef Stew

I read this book. I chose it because I wanted to eat beef stew :) I like eating! I like something delicious! Beef stew attracted me.

In the morning, Nicky smelled something good. His mother made beef stew! She made a lot, so she asked Nicky to invite his friends for supper. At school, Nicky asked his friend, but he couldn't come to Nicky's house. Then Nicky asked another friend, but she didn't like beef stew. After that he asked a librarian and police officer, but both of them couldn't come to Nicky's house. Nicky felt sad. Then a postman talked to Nicky, and he handed a post card to Nicky. When Nicky read a post card, he felt happy! He ran and ran ran... then arrived at station! And his grandmother was there!! A post card had said that his grandmother came. So Nicky ate beef stew with his mother and grandmother. It became nice supper!

I liked this story! I also felt sad when Nicky couldn't find anyone who came to his house. If I can go to his house, I want to go!!!!!! However grandmother came, so they were able to enjoy their dinner. I also felt happy! It is good to read this book in winter, I think. You can feel happy and warm :) And if there is beef stew and your favorite person, it is the happiest thing!!! Oh, my stomach want something to eat! I'm hungry because of this book :p

(253 words)

BR 2-02: Harry Goes To Day Camp

I read this book. The book cover was so cute, so I chose it. It was a short story. So I was able to read easily!

Harry went to day camp! At camp, he asked his counselor. 'What do we play first?' Then the counselor said soccer. So Harry and his friend played soccer. Everyone enjoyed, however Harry wasn't able to play well. After playing soccer, he asked his counselor again. 'What do we play next?' The counselor said basketball. Harry and his friend played basketball, however Harry wasn't able to play well. He wasn't able to play well not only soccer but also basketball! After basketball, they had lunch, and they slept. After sleeping, they swam. Harry wanted to swim very much!!!! He was good at swimming! So he enjoyed swimming. He was happy! However, after swimming, it was time for music... Harry wanted to swim more!

I enjoyed reading. I didn't wanted to read books written in English, but it was easy to read, so I was able to read. And the story was fun! Harry was cute :) First I thought that Harry couldn't do anything, but Harry was good at swimming. Everyone always has their strong point. My strong point is... I can't find, but there is surely something! I hope it :)

(221 words)

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Today I got some cute thing!!! What is that?

It is...... this!

It is soooo cute!!! Don't you think so??? I loved it!!!

This is made by my relative. She is a manager of nail salon. She is so kind, so I like her :)

I'm glad! Thank you, あっこ姉ちゃん!!! :D

Tomorrow I'll be taken picture wearing kimono. I'm looking forward it!

(64 words)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME!!!!

Yesterday, October 21, was my birthday!!! I became 20 years old. In Japan, 20 years old is special! We call it 'Hatachi(はたち)' and celebrate.

When I woke up yesterday morning, there is two boxes near my bed. Did Santa Claus come last night??! I was surprised!!! Then I found a card, it said, "Happy birthday and good morning! Nacchi." Nacchi is my sister. This present was from her! I was so glad :) I opened it, and the present was T-shirts my sister made! Only one T-shirt in the world!!!!!!!! Thank you, Nacchi :D Also my sister gave me a game software! Mario Kart!!! I was so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At school, many my friends said happy birthday to me!!! Thank you, my friends :) I love you!!!

After school, I went to nail salon where was my relativity's salon. She gave nail chip for me as present of birthday! It'll arrive at my house on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it♪ After that, I met my sister, and we went to department store to buy dinner. We bought many side dish and went home. We didn't buy a birthday cake, so we went to the cake shop. I chose strawberry cake! I love it :)

Then my father went home, and my cousin came home. So we started my birthday party!!!! We sang birthday song, and I blew out a candle. We ate many foods and cakes. We enjoyed my birthday party :)

Now I'll talk about presents I was given!!

These are T-shirts my sister made! Pink is mine, and blue is for Milktea :) Milktea is cute!!!

And this is a game soft. I played. It is so fun!

Next, my cousin, Nana, gave me it! I LOVE Rilakkuma!!! I was soooooooooooooo glad! Thank you, Nana!!!

My friends, Narumi and Megumi, also gave me presents. Narumi gave me a lipstick! 'I want to a lipstick...' I said to Narumi. So she bought it! Thank you, Narumi :D I love you!!! And Megumi, she is my friend of high school, gave me cute things! Pink robe and Hokkairo(ホッカイロ)!!! Megumi is so kind, and she always makes me happy! Thank you, Megumi!

I was so happy because I became twenty years old and many people celebrate me! I want to be good adult! Thank you, everyone!!!!

(388 words)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kumamoto University!

Today I went to Kumamoto University! At Kumamoto University, 知のフロンティア took place :) It is an exhibition. My sister acted as host, so I went there! Today's theme was 'The Tale of Genji and "Mononoke."' Do you know it? The Tale of Genji is called 源氏物語 in Japan! It is very famous classic story. I think, if you are Japanese, you've read it. I've read it in junior high school or high school. However I didn't be interested about this. But!!!!!! It was so interesting!!! I thought I wanted to read The Tale of Genji again!!! :D You should read it!

But... I have to read English books before I read The Tale of Genji!!! I didn't write book reviews ;( I'll do my best!! Sorry!!!

(128 words)

My Hair :)

On Friday, I changed my hair color and style! I went to beauty salon after school. First I was dyed my hair. Next week I'll wear kimono, so I want to dye my hair black :) About two hours later, my hair color changed! It was almost black. Next I was had my hair permed. But my hair is straight, and it is return to straight easily if I have my hair premed. So I asked to have premed harder. I waited about two hours, and my hair had permed!!! My hair changed!!!!! I was so happy. I want to go to school at once!!!!

After that I met my sister. We went to the bar, ninoni, and ate gyoza. We went home together and slept soon :) Nice Friday!!!

(129 words)

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Holiday

I went to downtown with my mother today :-) I ate carbonara, and my mother ate tomato sauce pasta. It was so good! We were full, so we went to a department store. We bought some presents. After that, we came back home.

I saw my cousin, Nana, and we play game! We love Nintendo 64 :-) We played Mario Kart and Mario Party 3! I played it as Princes Peach. I like Peach!!! We played for about three hours, and we decided to go to karaoke!!! I love karaoke very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went to COCOTAI near my house. COCOTAI is a Internet cafe. We sang for three hours. I sang only Aiko :-D I enjoyed karaoke!!!

After that we went home. And we cooked dinner together. Nana made Tsukune (dumpling) yesterday! She watched Hanamaru Market, and studied how to make tsukune. Her tsukune is so delicious!!!! We ate it as tsukune-don(つくね丼).

I spent good holiday :)

(155 words)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Essay- I love Milktea!!!

Today I'll introduce about my favorite place! Where is your favorite place? There are many nice place in the world!! However my favorite place is Milktea's room! I can't think any better place than Milktea's room. So I'll tell you how nice Milktea's room is!!!

First I'll tell about Milktea's room. Before Milktea came my home, this room was place for visitor. This room was only Japanese-style room in my house. And we didn't usually use that room, so this room was the cleanest in my house. However, it changed on November 8 in 2004. Yes! Milktea came my home!!! My father said, "we can't live in same room, so this room(Japanese-style room) is Milkea's room from now!" So Milktea got her own room! Milktea's room is next to living room, and under my room. Her room is large, and larger than my room. No! Her room is larger than any other private room in my house! And her room is very comfortable!! The temperature in her room is always just good. There are TV, air conditioner, kotastu, and air cleaner! Milktea's room has many nice items, so her room is always comfortable.

Next is about Milktea and us. What do we do in her room? When I come home, I go to Milktea's room right away. I want to see Milktea soon!!! And I take a nap with Milktea. After that, I make dinner for Milktea, and I look Milktea while she eat dinner. And we watch TV together. I'm with Milktea almost my time. My mother also do so. In holiday, I'm in her room all day. I use computer, write blog, read books, watch TV, listen to music, and so on! I do anything in her room!!! My sister and I often sleep with Milktea. We sleep well with Milktea. I'm sure that Milktea makes us relax. My father and brother don't come Milktea's room so much. However all family members gather at Milktea's room on New Year's day, because there is a family Buddhist altar.

Lastly, I'll talk about memories of Milktea's room. However we don't have special memories. For us, all event happens in Milktea's room is special memories!!! Everyday with Milktea is the special memories!!! We think so.

Milktea's room is special room for not only I but also my family. We love Milktea, so we also love Milktea's room. Milktea makes us happy!!! Because Milktea is there, it is the best reason why I love Milktea's room! I need Milktea. I want to be with Milktea forever!!!!!

(454 words)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Today I watched the football game on TV! Today's game was Japan vs UAE. I looked forward to this game because my favorite player Inamoto competed! He is so cool :-) I love him!!!

The game was drawn at 1-1. Inamoto was in the starting lineup, and his play was great!!! I loved him more!!!!! However this game was もったいない! What a waste game!! Japan was able to win!! They could got point three!!! Is Japan OK? If Inamoto isn't in Japan, Japan is bad I think :) Japan needs Inamoto!!! I want to see him in the World Cup!!!

(100 words)


1. Introduction
why I like Milktea's room

2. Body
history of Milktea's room
memories with Milktea
what I do in Milktea's room

3. conclusion

(27 words)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Favorite place: Brainstorm 01


(10 words)

My Favorite Place

My favorite place is my house, especially Milktea's room. Milktea has her own room, and it is bigger than my room. Milkea is always in her room. In her room, she sleeps, plays, runs, and so on. She enjoys her time. However I think she feels sad. I don't have any reasons, but I'm sure that she feels sad. So I often go to Milktea's room, and we play together. I spend my time in her roo. than my room!!! When I can't sleep well, I go to her room and sleep with Milktea. I can sleep well with Milktea. In holiday, I'm in her room all day. We play, run, watch TV, and sleep together.
When I go to Milkteas's room, I feel happy! Milktea makes me happy. It is neccecarry time for me to be with Miktea. In my house, the best place that I can be happy is Milktea's room.

(161 words)

My Favorite Fall Activity

I like fall!! And my favorite fall activity is reading books. I like reading books all year around, but fall is the best season to read books. I become slowly in fall and reading books is very slowly activity.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

For Milktea :)

Recently I made dinner for Milktea!!!

She likes eating, but she has many likes anddislikes about food! She doesn't like pet food ;( So she didn't eat foods so much, and became thin! My mother and I worried about it, so I decided to make dinner for Milktea.

Today I made 鶏だんごスープ. In English, dumpling with soup, maybe. Is that OK? ;-) Milktea has never eaten dumpling. But she was very happy and ate all dumpling!!! I was so glad! :D

What dish will I make for Milktea??? I'll do my best for my sweet Milktea!

(96 words)

BR 2-01: The Gingerbread Man

I read this book. I chose it because gingerbread man was so cute!

A old woman and man lived happily. However they didn't have children, so they sometimes felt sad because of it. One day, a old woman made a gingerbread man cookie. Gingerbread man was made, but he went away from their house! A old woman, a old man, animals, kids, and farmer ran after the gingerbread man. However the gingerbread man ran away... And he arrived at river. Then a fox came to river, and he helped the gingerbread man. Gingerbread man rode on fox's back, and they crossed the river. However, on the way, a fox ate the gingerbread man!!!

I didn't know about the story of gingerbread man. I thought it was happy story, but it wasn't!!! I was shocked a little ;-( However it is interesting story, so I recommend this book! The gingerbread man is famous story, so if you didn't know, you should read it!
(166 words)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Website Review: KAIYUKAN (rewrite)

Do you like aquarium? I like it very much! I've been to some aquariums before. All aquariums were very good! So I'll introduce website of Kaiyukan(海遊館). Kaiyukan is one of the largest aquarium in the world, and it is one of my favorite aquarium. I've been to Kaiyukan twice. I like there very much!!! I want to tell everyone about Kaiyukan, so I'll introduce the website of Kaiyukan! This site has many many information about Kaiyukan!!! Click here.

First of all you should look Profile page. In this page, the theme of Kaiyukan is written. Kaiyukan's theme is nature in the Pacific Ocean, so we can see and feel the greatness of nature. If you read that page before you go there, you may feel deeply about the greatness of nature. You can not only enjoy but also learn! It is great thing, I think.

If you want to know about marine lives in Kaiyukan, look Popular Fishes and Marine Mammals page. There are pictures and explanations of marine lives, and this page is my favorite points. You can learn about marine lives! And you can also learn English, I think. However there are only a few pictures. There are more pictures in Japanese page. I like Pacific White-sided Dolphin ( in Japan, we call カマイルカ)! They are so cute!!! Whale Shark is also cute.

Kaiyukan is located in Tempozan Harbor Village, and there are also other amusement there. You can eat delicious foods, go shopping, take a Ferris wheel, enjoy contact with animal, and so on! If you proceed, you can enter again and again! You can enjoy all day there!!! I think that you should buy economical ticket set. When I went to Kaiyukan, I bought ticket of Kaiyukan and Ferris wheel as a set. The Ferris wheel is so nice! If you take it at night, you can see beautiful night view. Also I was able to enjoy contact with animal. I fed rabbits, goat, and squirrels! It was really fun. Many amusement will certainly attract you! If you want to know about Tempozan Harbor Village, click Amusement page.

In this site, you can read in many language. So this site is useful for studying language too!!! And, in the web page written in Japanese, there is more detailed information. So it is also good to see Japanese page. I hope that you become interested in Kaiyukan and go there! You should go there!!! Kaiyukan is really great aquarium. I can recommend Kaiyukan with great confidence!!!!

(423 words)