Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kumamoto University!

Today I went to Kumamoto University! At Kumamoto University, 知のフロンティア took place :) It is an exhibition. My sister acted as host, so I went there! Today's theme was 'The Tale of Genji and "Mononoke."' Do you know it? The Tale of Genji is called 源氏物語 in Japan! It is very famous classic story. I think, if you are Japanese, you've read it. I've read it in junior high school or high school. However I didn't be interested about this. But!!!!!! It was so interesting!!! I thought I wanted to read The Tale of Genji again!!! :D You should read it!

But... I have to read English books before I read The Tale of Genji!!! I didn't write book reviews ;( I'll do my best!! Sorry!!!

(128 words)

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