Sunday, October 12, 2008

Essay- I love Milktea!!!

Today I'll introduce about my favorite place! Where is your favorite place? There are many nice place in the world!! However my favorite place is Milktea's room! I can't think any better place than Milktea's room. So I'll tell you how nice Milktea's room is!!!

First I'll tell about Milktea's room. Before Milktea came my home, this room was place for visitor. This room was only Japanese-style room in my house. And we didn't usually use that room, so this room was the cleanest in my house. However, it changed on November 8 in 2004. Yes! Milktea came my home!!! My father said, "we can't live in same room, so this room(Japanese-style room) is Milkea's room from now!" So Milktea got her own room! Milktea's room is next to living room, and under my room. Her room is large, and larger than my room. No! Her room is larger than any other private room in my house! And her room is very comfortable!! The temperature in her room is always just good. There are TV, air conditioner, kotastu, and air cleaner! Milktea's room has many nice items, so her room is always comfortable.

Next is about Milktea and us. What do we do in her room? When I come home, I go to Milktea's room right away. I want to see Milktea soon!!! And I take a nap with Milktea. After that, I make dinner for Milktea, and I look Milktea while she eat dinner. And we watch TV together. I'm with Milktea almost my time. My mother also do so. In holiday, I'm in her room all day. I use computer, write blog, read books, watch TV, listen to music, and so on! I do anything in her room!!! My sister and I often sleep with Milktea. We sleep well with Milktea. I'm sure that Milktea makes us relax. My father and brother don't come Milktea's room so much. However all family members gather at Milktea's room on New Year's day, because there is a family Buddhist altar.

Lastly, I'll talk about memories of Milktea's room. However we don't have special memories. For us, all event happens in Milktea's room is special memories!!! Everyday with Milktea is the special memories!!! We think so.

Milktea's room is special room for not only I but also my family. We love Milktea, so we also love Milktea's room. Milktea makes us happy!!! Because Milktea is there, it is the best reason why I love Milktea's room! I need Milktea. I want to be with Milktea forever!!!!!

(454 words)

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