Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday To ME!!!!

Yesterday, October 21, was my birthday!!! I became 20 years old. In Japan, 20 years old is special! We call it 'Hatachi(はたち)' and celebrate.

When I woke up yesterday morning, there is two boxes near my bed. Did Santa Claus come last night??! I was surprised!!! Then I found a card, it said, "Happy birthday and good morning! Nacchi." Nacchi is my sister. This present was from her! I was so glad :) I opened it, and the present was T-shirts my sister made! Only one T-shirt in the world!!!!!!!! Thank you, Nacchi :D Also my sister gave me a game software! Mario Kart!!! I was so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At school, many my friends said happy birthday to me!!! Thank you, my friends :) I love you!!!

After school, I went to nail salon where was my relativity's salon. She gave nail chip for me as present of birthday! It'll arrive at my house on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it♪ After that, I met my sister, and we went to department store to buy dinner. We bought many side dish and went home. We didn't buy a birthday cake, so we went to the cake shop. I chose strawberry cake! I love it :)

Then my father went home, and my cousin came home. So we started my birthday party!!!! We sang birthday song, and I blew out a candle. We ate many foods and cakes. We enjoyed my birthday party :)

Now I'll talk about presents I was given!!

These are T-shirts my sister made! Pink is mine, and blue is for Milktea :) Milktea is cute!!!

And this is a game soft. I played. It is so fun!

Next, my cousin, Nana, gave me it! I LOVE Rilakkuma!!! I was soooooooooooooo glad! Thank you, Nana!!!

My friends, Narumi and Megumi, also gave me presents. Narumi gave me a lipstick! 'I want to a lipstick...' I said to Narumi. So she bought it! Thank you, Narumi :D I love you!!! And Megumi, she is my friend of high school, gave me cute things! Pink robe and Hokkairo(ホッカイロ)!!! Megumi is so kind, and she always makes me happy! Thank you, Megumi!

I was so happy because I became twenty years old and many people celebrate me! I want to be good adult! Thank you, everyone!!!!

(388 words)

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