Monday, June 30, 2008

My Summer Vacation Plans

I'll talk about my summer vacation plans. My friend is going to come to Kumamoto, so I go somewhere with him. I'm going to Aso with my friends! My friends, Natumi will take me and him to Aso. I'm glad!! I want to eat soft ice cream :-) Also I'm going to go to Chiba where my friend is living. I'll go to Hakkeijima Sea Paradise and Chiba Zoo. There is a famous animal in Chiba Zoo! Do you know 'Fuuta-kun'? He is a famous lesser panda. I'll see him. Hakkeijima Sea Paradise is one of the largest aquarium in Japan. And I'll go to Umitamago aquarium in Oita. If I can go this two aquariums, my summer vacation will be the happiest vacation!!! I can't wait summer vacation :-D

However... I also have to work! During summer vacation, I have a lot of time. So I should work and get money! I'll do my best!!!!!!

I hope my summer vacation will be nice and I can enjoy!!!
(177 words)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chinese food

Yesterday I went to Chinese restaurant with my family. This restaurant is near my house, so my family occasionally go there. This restaurant is a little strange atmosphere, but all foods are so delicious and reasonable! So my family like this restaurant.

We ate ebichiri (shrimp with chili sauce), subuta (sweet-and-sour pork), gyouza (Chinese meat dumpling), and so on. And the best we like is 'goma dango(ゴマ団子)'!!! Goma dango is covered with sesame, and there is 'anko(あんこ)' in it. It is so delicious!!!!!!!!! Also it is only 300 yen! I like it very much :-)

I was happy because I could eat many delicious foods! I want to go to again, and eat goma-dango!
(116 words)

BR 1-09: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

I read this book. This story is so famous, so I think that of course everyone know. I chose this book because I wanted to read famous story in English. This story was a little different from the story I knew. It was the most interesting.

I'll talk about the story. There was so beautiful lady named Snow White. Queen who was Snow White's stepmother didn't like Snow White because Snow White was more beautiful than her. Queen decided to kill Snow White. She asked a huntsman to kill Snow White. So the huntsman tried to kill her in the forest, however he couldn't. And he set her free.

Snow White run and run... She found a cottage, and she went in. In the cottage, there were a tiny table, seven tiny chairs, and seven tiny beds. Snow White was so hungry, so she ate bread and drank milk on the table. After meal, she slept in tiny bed because she was so tired and sleepy.

Seven dwarfs came back home, and they found Snow White. They thought that she was so beautiful!!! Next morning Snow White woke up, and she talked about Queen. Seven dwarfs said that they took care of Snow White.

Queen thought that Snow White was dead. However she knew that Snow White didn't die because the magic mirror said, "The most beautiful was Snow White." So Queen thought how to kill Snow White. First, she fastened a belt tight around Snow White's waist. However this plan failed. Next, she tried to kill Snow White by comb with poison. But it also failed. Lastly, she gave Snow White a poison apple. Snow White ate it, and she didn't get up.

Seven dwarfs were very sad because Snow White didn't got up. They laid Snow White in a glass coffin. And over a year passed. A prince saw Snow White and he felt in love with her. He wanted to take her to his palace. So he asked dwarfs, and Dwarfs accepted it. Then his men carried a coffin, but one person dropped it. And then Snow White spit out the apple! She woke up!! Everyone was delighted.

I enjoyed reading this book! This story was based on the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales, so there was a little different from the story I knew. I knew the story of Disney's movie. I recommend this book because this book is interesting! Also the illustration is cute :-) I want to read other stories of Grimm.

(425 words)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

With Ayako

I went to shimo-tori with my friends, Ayako! We had lunch in Lotteria. I ate cheeseburger, and she ate tandoori chicken sandwich. It was delicious!!! And we added French fries. I was full up.

After lunch, we went to a meeting to explain the part-time job. I left my part-time job in May. However I wanted to work because I needed money in for summer vacation! So I found new job with Ayako. The meeting was held for about two hours. I'll do my best and enjoy summer vacation!!!

After that, we went shopping. There were many cute things I like in the town. I wanted, but I didn't have money ;-( However I don't buy anything, it is fun to see cute things!!! I enjoyed only seeing.

We went to the cafe because we were hungry. I ate chocolate sweets. I love chocolate!!! It looks delicious, don't you think so?

We went shopping again after we ate. Ayako bought cute bag, sandal, and hair accessory. I wanted sandal, too!! If I get money, I want to buy it :-)

We took 'purikura,' and we went to my house. We talk a lot!!! I enjoyed talking with Ayako. Thank you, Ayako!!
(206 words)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Have you listened to this song? This was Aiko's indies song. However this song is recorded again in her 23rd single, 'Futari.' Well, let's watch it!

She is so cute!!! When I watch it, I cry too. She seemed to cry in the beginning, but she bared to cry. However she couldn't bear to cry because her fan waved sunflowers. This song's title is 'himawari ni nattara.' In English 'if I become sunflower,' I think. I like this video!!! And in You Tube, there is full version of this song. So you should listen full version, too!!!

If you are interested in Aiko, please ask me!!! And let's listen to her song with me :-)

(119 words)

Protfolio for Writing Ⅲ


Student ID: 07149
(last five digits of
your student no.)

Portfolio for Writing III,
Section 1a

(See: Note 1, below)

0.0. Overview

Reviews, Posts, Words, and More


(See: Note 2, below.)

1.0. Essays

(See: Note 3, below[.])

1.1. Showcase


[+ links]

(250 words)

Ina, Milktea, Dolphin...About Me

Movie review
(300 words)

MR 1-1: Shrek

University life
(350 words)

Full of Happy!!!

Another review
(400 words)

MR 1-2: We need superheros!

Language learning history
(450 words)

My language learning history


5th essay
Self Introduction08.07.04



¶: number of paragraphs five (5) or more sentences in length

W: number of words

C: number of comments

L: number of links

P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media embedded

1.2. Best Essay

Selection and Assessment: Which of those essays do you feel is the best that you've written this semester, and why? Please remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, and give at least two reasons to support your assessment.

  • I feel that 'MR 1-2: We need superheros!' is the best essay. I chose it because it was the longest post in my blog post, and I was nominated from my classmate as 'best title.'


Titles of posts with links
Dates of comments (
Numbers of words in comments
Qualities of comments**
2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog*

Office Hours: Gmail for Appointments


2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog*

Essay: University Life


2.3. Best comment by a classmate on your blog*

Ina, Milktea, Dolphin...About Me


2.4. Most comments on:
Titles of posts with link
Dates of posts ( Total number of words in comments
Qualities of comments*[*]
2.4.1. Any one of your essays*

Full of Happy!!!



great When did you respond to those comments?

--- How did you respond to those comments?
2.4.2. Any of your other posts*
BR 1-03: Key Trouble
great When did you respond to those comments?
--- How did you respond to those comments?---

* Current semester comments on essays and other posts
** Please list the most important qualities of comments on each type of blog post. That is, explain what makes them good comments.

2.5. Recent comments display

Does your blog display recent comments from blog visitors in a prominent location, for example in a sidebar, header, or footer widget? Where or why not?

  • I have recent comments display in a sidebar.

2.6. Additional reflections on comments

  • New comments makes me happy!

3.0. Book Reviews

3.1. ShowcaseShort titles
with links
Dates (
Vampire Killer



BR 1-02: A New School


BR 1-03: Key Trouble


BR 1-04: The Jigsaw Puzzle


BR 1-05: Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake


BR 1-06: Mr. Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold


BR 1-07: A Polar Bear Can Swim


BR 1-08: Mr. Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea


BR 1-09: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


BR 1-10: Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog


BR 1-11: Mr. Putter & Tabby Take the Train


BR 1-12: Annie and Bo and the BIG SURPRISE



Note: Please calculate book review words and comments totals without the example (above).

3.2. Best Book Review

Selection and Assessment: Which of those book reviews do you feel is the best that you've written this semester, and why? Please remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, and give at least two reasons to support your assessment.

  • I feel "BR 1-09: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the best book review! I chose it because I wrote outline in detail, and I enjoyed writing this book review!

4.0. Blog Layout, Labeling, Linking, & Media

4.1. Does your blog have an archive?

4.1.1. Does the archive display the titles of posts?

4.1.2. Is the archive organized by month?

4.1.3. Is the archive at or near the top of the sidebar?

4.2. Does your blog have labels displayed in sidebar?

5.2.1. Do your labels include these required labels (typed accurately):---

  • "books" (12) AND "reviews" (15)

  • "essays" (6) AND "portfolios" (1)

  • "quickposts" (0)

  • "links" (0) AND "media" (2)

  • "movies" (2) AND "photos" (0)

4.2.2. Does your sidebar display other labels?

  • How many other labels have you attached to three (3) or more posts?

    • _5__ other labels attached to three or more posts

4.3. Links & media---
4.3.1. Does your blog include pictures or other graphics?

  • Does your blog profile include a picture or graphic representation?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include pictures or other graphics?

    • _46__ posts including pictures or other graphics
4.3.2. Does your blog include posts with multiple links?

  • How many of your posts this semester include three (3) or more links?*

    • _1__ posts including three or more links (including this portfolio!)
4.3.3. Does your blog include other media?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include other media?

    • _2__ posts including other media

  • What kind(-s) of media have you included in posts this semester? Please list them here:

    1. ...YouTube

    2. recoded by my cellphone

    3. ...



4.4. Overall presentation

What have you done to enhance the overall presentation of your blog? List and explain the three most important content, formatting, layout, or other presentation changes or enhancements that you have made on your blog this semester.

  1. ... picture: I took many photos, and I used them on by blog.

  2. ...layout: My blog post had many picture, so I wanted to make simple layout.

  3. ...

5.0. Additional reflections on your blog writing

  • ... It was so hard to write meny blog post. I thought what I should write everyday. However it is also interesting to write blog in English! This was good experience. I gave many advise about my blog from my friends and teacher. I thought that mt writng skill became better!

6.0. Suggestions for your peers and successors

  • ...It is important to write blog. I was able to write blog about Milktea or foods.


  1. This portfolio template derives from the templates for Writing IIIc and Writing IVc portfolios (2007-08).

  2. Please use the same code in section 0.0 that you used to embed your proto-portfolios in the footer of your blog.

  3. The essays section (1.0. Essays, above) derives from Proto-Portfolio 2-02 (2008)


I'll introduce her blog.

On a Fine Day

I like this post because these photos attract me! Her dog is as cute as my dog, Milktea!! And I want to go to Techno Research Park. There is a so nice place!!! I want to go there with Milktea. Surely she likes there :-)

There are many cute and attractive photos in her blog ! I want to visit her blog again.

(65 words)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Birthday To You!!

Today was my father's birthday!!! So my father got a cake from his coworker. However he didn't like sweets so much, so I and my sister ate it :-) It was delicious!

I'll talk about my father. My father is a system engineer. He is an excellent engineer, so his company needs him. I respect him!!!

He always takes care of his health. He likes alcohol, but he drink less recently. He does walking every weekend. However the past few days, he suffers from pain of his shoulder. My family worry about him. I hope that he'll become better soon!!!

He likes watching sports, especially 'sumo.' In order to watch sumo, my family go to Fukuoka in November every year. I like watching sumo with him! He talks to me about many trivia of sumo. His talk attracts me :-)

He is very wise!!! When we watch quiz program on TV, he can answer almost questions!!!!! He is great!!!!! He has a large stock of knowledge. So I NEVER be tired of his talk!

And he is so kind. If I want to eat strawberry, he buy strawberry soon! If I want to go to zoo, maybe he takes me. And if there is no toilet paper for Milktea, he certainly buy toilet paper! He always takes care of my family :-)

I'm happy because I have great father!!! Thank you, daddy, and take care of your health! I love you!!!
(243 words)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good Wednesday :-)

Last Wednesday was a good day!

On Wednesday, I had the first period class. It was Writing. When I used the computer, Mr. B called me and two of my friends! I was surprised. Mr. B called us because we were chosen as the best title of blog post!! I was happy! However we have to do 'janken' because only one person could get prize! So we did janken... and I won!!!!! Unbelievable!!!!!! I became happy again! I got a pen which had four color. It is so useful for classes :-) Thank you, my classmates and Mr. B!

And I became happy again after the writing class finished. I always eat lunch after the writing class finished on Wednesday. I don't have second period class on Wednesday. Last Wednesday, my lunch box and lunch bag changed! I used new one! :-) It was so cute!!!! Don't you think so? I liked it. However these color is white, so I worry that I dirty it! I'll take care... New lunch bag and lunch box make me happy! And my lunch time also become happy :-)

(185 words)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rilakkuma, again!

I did Rilakkuma's lot at Lawson again!!! Yesterday I went to Lawson with Narumi and Miyo to have lunch. I like Rilakkuma's tea cup I got before, so I wanted another cute goods! Actually, I wanted a big stuffed toy of Rilakkuma!!!!! This is so cute!!!!!!! You should go to Lawson and look it!

I drew a lot... I got pen of Korilakkuma! Korilakkuma is white and small bear (but both Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma aren't bear, written in Wikipedia). Look these photo :-) This is so cute! Don't you think so??? I was happy to get cute goods!

However I want a big stuffed toy of Rilakkuma!!! So I will try this lot again and again...
(119 words)

Milktea fight with cleaner

She don't like cleaner! When we clean her room by vacuum cleaner, she bite it with growling. I like watching it though she hate vacuum cleaner. She is so cute when she is doing so! Cleaner is bigger than her, but she ventures the cleaner bravery! She is cool!!!
(50 words)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Last weekend...

I went on a three day trip to Chiba. I got on the plane after an interval of four months. I don't like planes so much because I'm afraid of the airplane crash. However the airplane landed safely, and I arrived at Haneda airport. I moved to Chiba, and arrived at about eleven. We were so hungry, so we hod dinner at bar where my friend was working. There were many delicious foods! Also all stuff in the bar were so kind. I liked it! We were full up :-)

I was tired,so went to bed right away after eating...

Next day we cooked. We made omuraisu. I thought that I was good at making omuraisu :-) Our omuraisu was so delicious!!! I also made a spinach salad. I used spinach for salad (we can eat is raw!), tomato, onion, and egg. We enjoyed cooking and eating.

Last day, we ate omuraisu again as breakfast. Of course it was delicious. We were satisfied with omuraisu.

I reserved my return plane at 16:40, so I went to the airport early. I had lunch at Haneda airport. Haneda airport was so large!! And there were many shops. I was surprised every time I went there.

The return airplane took me to Kumamoto safely. I relieved because I could come back to Kumamoto safely!

I had a nice weekend :-) I'll go to Chiba again in August. I'm looking forward to summer vacation!!

(240 words)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Yesterday after school I went to shimo-tori with my mother. I wanted to buy rubber boots because it was in the rainy season now. My sister has a very cute rain boots! I like it :-) So I also wanted to a cute boots. In the town there were many cute boots. All boots were fashionable and functional. However there were no boots I wanted. If I buy a boots, I want to buy the best one!!! I thought that I wanted to use it for a long time. So I didn't buy a boots.

After shopping I and my mother went to the cafe and ate sweets. I ate waffle with ice cream. It was sweet and delicious. My mother ate a Japanese style parfait. It looked delicious. After that we went shopping again. I enjoyed shopping with my mother.

At five, I joined my sister. And we ate dinner! I ate pasta of tomato cream with crab. I liked it!!! I was so happy because I could many delicious foods :-)

After dinner we went to New-S and bought a present for my mother. We didn't gave my mother any present on Mother's day. We bought a pen case, note, and pen! There are things my mother need for her hobby.

About eight thirty, we went to the shop to care our fingernails. Our relative opened her shop, so we went. I had never been to such shop, so I was very nervous ;-( However staff of this ship were very kind, and the atmosphere was nice :-) So I could relax. And I relaxed too much... I slept. When I woke up, my fingernails became cute!!! I was so surprised and felt happy♪ My sister's nail also became beautiful. We were happy. If you are interested in this shop or nail art, please ask me :-D

We went back home and gave my mother the present! My mother was surprised :-) And she looked happy. I boasted to Milktea about my fingernails. She wanted to eat my fingernails!
Yesterday was rainy, so I felt bad. However I also enjoyed yesterday!
It's my hand.
And this photo is hands of my sister and me.
>>> It is cute! Don't you think so? :-)
(376 words)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My language learning history

I'll talk about my language learning history. I have studied English, French, Chinese. I like learning language.

First I'll talk about English. I started studying English when I was 10 years old. The reason why I started studying English was influence of my brother and friends. My brother went to juku school, and I often went to see him. He looked enjoying study. I became interested in English when I saw him. My friends also studied there, and they asked me to juku! I was so glad, and I decided to study English. This was my first experience to learn foreign language. I liked English very much, and of course I like English now. In junior high school and high school, I studied English hard. I watched CNN news to get listening skill. I wrote many English word to learn vocabulary. Also I talked with Assistant Language Teacher. It was so fun to talk with ALT. I thought that it was important to talk with native speaker. In the university, way to study English was changed. I studied English by native speaker, and I studied economic English. I spoke English more than before. Also I wrote, read, and listening English more. I enjoy studying English now!

Next, I started study French when I entered the university. I chose French as second language because I was interested in France. I longed for France! French was difficult to learn than English because there were neutral words. And also it was difficult to pronounce. However learning French was so interesting for me. I often studied French by listening CD. My mother liked listening French CD too, so I sometimes studied French with her. Now I don't study French, but I hope that I study French again.

Lastly, I have studied Chinese. I studied Chinese because I thought that it was most useful language than other language. Chinese was written by 'kanji', so it was easy a little to expect meaning. However I couldn't learn how to read! Chinese was difficult in accent. Chinese has 'pinyin.' Pinyin is the Roman alphabet that show how to read the word. I couldn't learn Chinese well. However I thought it was good to know about many things, for example pinyin.

Learning language is so fun! If I learn language, my world become wide. Now I learn English. English is a special language for me. By studying English, I also learn pleasure of studying language. I want to study more variety languages!! And I want to learn Of course to study language in the classroom is also important, however it is more important to speak this language and communicate with native speaker. I hope that I can communicate with many person from another country.

(461 words)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

carbonara and an omlet containing fried rice

Recently I sometimes cook! Yesterday I made 'carbonara,' and today I made 'omuraisu.' I liked carbonara so much, but I couldn't make carbonara well ;-( However I studied on the internet how to cook carbonara, so I tried!

This carbonara was made by me :-) It looks delicious, don't you think so? Yes, it was so delicious!!! I and my mother became happy♪

And today I made 'omuraisu.' I think that I'm good at making omuraisu. Look at this photo :-)

It was delicious, however I failed to write letter on the omuraisu! I wanted to write 'ちえ(chie)', but I couldn't write so. It was 'ちう(chiu)'!!! Oh, no ;-( But I was able to write heart well! I thought. It was cute☆

I want to try various dishes!!!
(128 words)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

cherry blossom in the rainy season

The day before yesterday, I saw cherry blossom! Can you believe it? It is June now!

Look at the picture. I didn't know why the cherry blossom came out only here. However I was happy because I was able to see cherry blossom in the rainy season! Thank you for giving me a small happiness :-)

Today was rainy, so maybe this cherry blossom dropped. It is so sad, but I can see next year. See you again next year!

(80 words)

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Today was holiday, so I went to the town.

First I changed my hairstyle today :-) I was tired because it took for about three hours to change my hair. However I was satisfied with my new hairstyle. I was so happy!!!

After that, I met my sister and mother, and we went to the cafe. I was so hungry because it was 15:30 that I went to the cafe. I had breakfast at 10 o'clock. I ate 'pomodoro.'

It was delicious very much!! I love pasta :-)

Today was so nice holiday!!! What will I do tomorrow? I hope that it'll be a good day tomorrow!

(108 words)

Milktea in KGU

Yesterday I went to KGU with Milktea!!!

I had to turn in my homework, but I didn't forgot it. So I went back home, and went to school again :-) I wanted to went with Milktea, so I took her!!! It took to my university about 20 minutes from my house. Milktea enjoyed a walk :-D

She stayed at the entrance of KGU while I turned in my homework. She was cute anytime!!!
(73 words)


I got it!!! It is teacup of Rilakkuma. Rilakkuma is a famous character. Rilakkuma is my recent favorite character. I like Rilakkuma!!! Last Wednesday I went to Lawson with Narumi. We bought ice creams, and ate at the table in front of Lawson. And we did our homework. However I was hungry, so I went to Lawson again. I wanted something eat like potato chip, however I found... Rilakkuma!!! 's lot. I decided to do it!!! I wanted a big stuffed toy animal of Rilakkuma. I went to the register and drew a lot... A lot I drew was a prize of teacup! It was different from I wanted, however I'm glad that I could get a cute teacup!!! If I draw this lot again, I absolutely get a big stuffed toy!!!!! But I'm happy very much now!!!!!
(140 words)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Japanese-style confectionery

It looks a delicious orange! :-)

However, it's not a orange! It is a orange of Japanese cake(和菓子). Do you believe it? I saw it at the party. There are many kinds of foods. This orange was in dessert area. A craftsman made it there. I was impressed!!! It was so great!!!

I and my sister were lucky because we got this sweet. It was only one there!

Before my sister ate, I wanted to pealed it. We thought, "there aren't white line in the skin!" So I pealed it. After I pealed, it became like this photo.

A craftsman drew lines in the peal!!! We were impressed again :-D

My sister ate it, and she said it was so delicious!!!
(122 words)

I made ice cream, and she ate :-)

I made ice cream for Milktea!!!

I wanted to make something to eat for Milktea, but I didn't have enough time ;-( However I left my part-time job, so I decided to make ice cream yesterday!

I made ice cream with soy milk. We don't have to use milk because milk is not good for dogs. According to the book, soy milk is better than milk for dogs!

I used the white of an egg, fresh cream, and soy milk. First I beat the white and fresh cream. Next mixed all ingredients. And put it refrigerator. Waited four-six hours...


I failed!!!!!! It didn't become ice cream... I mean, it didn't freeze ;-( I was terribly shocked!

However my sister helped me! So I barely made ice cream :-)

Today I gave Milktea this ice cream. She was so delighted!!! And I became happy too!!!!

Next time I'll do my best and make delicious ice cream!!! Thank you for eating, Milktea :-)

(164 words)