Wednesday, December 10, 2008

BR 2-04: The Magic Porridge Pot

I read this book. I chose it because it looked easy to read, and the book cover was cute!

First I'll talk about the story of this book. Main character was a little girl and her mother. They were poor and they didn't have money for food, and then a cracker was the last food. One day the little girl went out, and then she met a man. He said that he wanted something to eat. So she gave him her cracker. He appreciated her, and he gave some present to her! That was a magic pot. "If you say magic words, 'little pot, cook!’ you can get something to eat, and you say 'little pot, stop!’ the pot stop making foods." The man said like that. So the little girl went home and said that spell. "Little pot, cook!" Then the magic pot started making foods!!! The little girl and her mother ate fully. And then she said, "Little pot, stop!” the pot stopped making. This was a true magic pot! One day the little girl went out, and her mother wanted to make something to eat. She didn't call her daughter, and she said wrong words. So the magic pot didn't make anything, but she said magic words again, and it was correct words so the magic pot made foods! She ate until she was full up. After eating she wanted the magic pot to stop making foods, so she said magic words! But the magic words were wrong!!! She said many words, but every words were wrong. While she said magic words, the magic pot kept making and making and making... And porridge which the pot made was full of house, and went out to the town! Then her daughter, the little girl went home. She understood what happened. So she said, "Little pot, stop!" At length the pot stopped making foods. After that, people lived in this town went out with spoon, and they ate porridge.

This was interesting story, but at first I felt the kindness of the little girl. The cracker she gave to a man was her last food, but she gave him readily! It was great thing, I thought. If I'm the little girl, I may give him my last cracker. She was great and kind. Her kindness was a good example for me to follow. And also I thought that the magic pot stopped making. If the little girl didn't say that magic words and the magic pot didn't stop making, probably porridge was full of the earth!!!! It's not good, don't you think so?

(434 words)

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