Monday, December 8, 2008


Last Saturday I went to Ninja-yashiki with Miyo and Narumi!!! Do you know "Ninja-yashiki"? It's a bar, but not normal bar! All staff are Ninja(忍者) or Kunoichi(くノ一)!!! It opened two month ago. My sister went there last month, and she talked to me how fun it is! So I wanted to went there.

We arrived at about 21:30, but we couldn't enter at once. And then staff said, "I'm so sorry! Please wait here a few minutes. かたじけない!" かたじけない(katajikenai) means "I'm sorry." We felt fun only he said this word!

A few minutes later, we went to the table for us. Ninja was so cool! And Kunoichi was sooooo cute!!! We ate some dishes and drunk a lot. We talked Ninja staff, and we enjoyed very much :)

Then one Ninja came our table. He was a magician! He was so cheerfully person, and his magic was really cool!!!!! We couldn't understand how to do magic. He made us feel fun :) And we became friends!!! I want to go to his magic bar.

We enjoyed Ninja-yashiki very much! I think you should go! Probably you can enjoy!!! :)

Next day we went to downtown. We were hungry, so we went to Lotteria and ate hamburger. It was good :) After that we were taken purikura.

I enjoyed my weekend!!!

(225 words)

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