Sunday, December 21, 2008

BR 2-18: When the TV Broke

When I found this book, I thought that this book was easy to read but probably interesting! So I chose it.

Jeffrey liked watching TV, and he watched TV everyday. But one day the TV in Jeffrey's house was broken! Then he couldn't watch TV!!! Jeffrey had nothing to do. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Jeffery do nothing much. But on Friday he found some boxes. And then he started making house with boxes! On Saturday. his father came back with fixed TV, but Jeffry said, "Not now, Dad. I'm busy now. Maybe tomorrow."

If my TV is broken, I don't care so much. I liked my TV very much, but TV is not always need for me. HOWEVER! If my computer is broken, I'll be in bad trouble!!! I can't imagine the life which doesn't have computer. Computer is always necessity for me!!!!!!!!

(151 words)

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