Sunday, December 21, 2008

BR 2-10: Milo's Toothache

When I chose some books for book review, I found this book. The book cover was so cute, and I liked it! And also it's easy to read, so I write book review.

One day, Milo and his friend Dan played Ping-Pong together. Then suddenly Milo felt toothache, so he decided to go to the dentist. Dan said that he went to the dentist with Milo because he thought that Milo felt scary. While Milo took the bath, Dan thought 'what should I do if I felt scary?' So he asked his friend to go to the dentist together. His friend, Amy said OK, but she thought bad idea near to Dan. She became afraid, so she asked other friends to go to the dentist together! And when Milo got ready, there were many friends who went to the dentist with Milo! They walked to the dentist and reached. They waited at waiting room, and the doctor called Milo's name. While Milo was in the examination room, his friends got into panic! When Milo came back, they were bad condition which need doctor!

It's cute story!!! Milo's friends are nice :) If my friends go to hospital with me, I feel happy. Hospital makes me bad feeling! Friends are important, I learn from this book.

(219 words)

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