Sunday, December 21, 2008

BR 2-12: The Cow in the House

I chose this book because I liked this title :) So I read it and write book review!

A man lived in an old house. His house was very noisy because of his chair, bed, and roof! So he went to town and asked to wise man. A wise man advised him to get cow and keep it in his house. A man didn't think this was good idea, but he did it. Then the cow said moo, and his house became noisier than before. So he went and asked to a wise man again, then a wise man answered, "you should have a donkey in your house." A man got donkey in his house, but his house became noisier than before. So he went and asked to a wise man again, then a wise man said, "you should get a sheep and keep it in your house." So he did it, but his house became more noisier than before! He went to a wise man again, and a wise man said to have a cat and dog. A man did so, and his house became more noisier than before!!! He said to a wise man that his house became noisier than before. Then a wise man said, "put all animals out!" And he put all of them out of his house. He went into his house, and went to bed. His house still noisy because of chair and bed and roof. But he thought, what a quite house!!!

I liked this story very much! I thought that the wise man was really clever :) That was gooooood idea!!!! He is like Ikkyu who was Japanese Buddhist priest.

(277 words)

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